Teens in Japan love iPhone, TikTok is looking for ways to change Android to iPhone

Android and iPhone have always been rivals. A recent survey in Japan found that young people are more fond of iPhone than Android, and even feel ashamed to use Android.

According to statistics, the iPhone is very popular among young people in Japan, with 84.1% of women between the ages of 10 and 19 using the iPhone, and 70.1% of boys. If you enter Android on TikTok, the related search words will appear “Android バカにされる (using Android is regarded as a fool)”, “Android shame ずかしい (using Android is very shameful)” and other words, and “Android をiPhone にする method ( Turn Android into iPhone)” is also a popular search term.

In addition to Japan, the phenomenon of “iPhone bullying” has also occurred in the United States. Since some functions are only available to iPhone users (such as iMessage and Airdrop), people using Android feel excluded.


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