Teenagers are using condoms less and less

2024-08-29 01:30:06
Inside the University of Oklahoma Health Center in Norman in May 2023.

Condoms are becoming increasingly unpopular among teenagers. Between 2014 and 2022, the proportion of 15-year-olds who used this type of latex during their last sexual intercourse fell from 70% to 61% of boys and from 63% to 57% of girls. The data, released Thursday, August 29, in a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) Europe, comes from a major survey conducted every four years since 1982 in about 40 countries in Europe and Central Asia and other regions. scale study. In this issue, researchers focus on the sexual health of 15-year-olds.

The first results confirmed data already observed in previous studies, especially in the united states wait in Europeaccording to the study, today’s teens typically have their first sexual relationship later than previous generations. This was a trend observed prior to 2018 and has likely intensified since the Covid-19 pandemic and the social distancing measures associated with it.

This is particularly true for boys, especially in about ten countries, with Albania, Armenia, France and Greece leading the way. In contrast, the overall situation for girls has not changed, except that more young girls are sexually active in France, Luxembourg and Spain. Across the 40 countries studied, 20% of 15-year-old boys said they had had sex, compared with 15% of young girls. In France, the figures are 16% and 14% respectively.

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Are these sexual relationships protected? All 15-year-old respondents who reported having sex were asked whether they or their partner used a condom the last time they or their partner had sex. Results: One-third of teenagers (30% of boys and 36% of girls) answered no. The proportion of boys ranges from 14% in Armenia to 52% in the UK, and the proportion of girls ranges from 14% in Serbia to 68% in Sweden.

In addition, 9% of boys and 7% of girls did not know whether they were wearing a condom. Among them, the proportion of Italy and the United Kingdom is 0.5%, and the proportion of Kyrgyzstan is 38%. These hard-to-read data can be linked “Adolescents who have sexual intercourse under the influence of alcohol, psychoactive substances, surreptitious intercourse (removing a condom during intercourse without the consent of the recipient), or unwanted or non-consensual intercourse”specifies the author of the report.

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