Teenager Deceives Authorities with Counterfeit Receipt – TAG24

Pittsburgh – In the US state of Pennsylvania, a 13-year-old girl was put in an adult prison.

A girl (13) was caught stealing and wrongly put in adult prison. (Symbolic image) © 123RF/pabkov

The teenager was caught shoplifting in the small town of Beaver Falls last month, reported “Associated Press” (AP) on Wednesday. But that was not the reason why she suddenly found herself among adult criminals.

The young thief was reported missing in the Pittsburgh area a few days before she committed the crime. Apparently she wanted to stay that way, because she gave the police a false name and a false age.

She said she was already 18 years old. She also said that she was homeless.

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Based on her statements, the liar was then wrongly sent to adult prison.

The mistake was only cleared up when it was discovered that the 13-year-old was the missing teenager from Pittsburgh. Her parents were informed and the girl was picked up.

Although she was released from adult prison, her theft will continue to haunt her. The case was correctly transferred to a juvenile court.

Tragedy in Pittsburgh: 13-Year-Old Girl Wrongly Sent to Adult Prison

In a‍ disturbing turn of events, a 13-year-old girl in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was sent to an adult prison after being caught shoplifting in the‌ small town of Beaver Falls last month. This ⁢shocking incident has raised questions about the flaws in the juvenile justice system and the treatment of minors in the criminal justice system.

According to a report ‍by the Associated Press (AP) on Wednesday, the teenager was arrested for shoplifting, but it was not ⁢the reason she ended up in an adult prison. The girl, who had been reported missing in the Pittsburgh area a few days prior to the incident, gave the police a false name and age, ‍claiming to be⁤ 18 years old and‍ homeless.

The Failure of the ​System

This ‍incident highlights a glaring issue in ⁣the juvenile ‍justice system, where a minor​ can be wrongly sent to an adult prison without proper identification and⁣ verification processes‌ in place. The consequences of such​ a mistake can be severe, as adult prisons ⁣are not equipped to handle the unique needs of minors, and can⁤ lead to long-term psychological and emotional ​trauma for the child.

The Consequences of Falsifying Identity

By providing false information, the girl unwittingly contributed to her own misfortune. However, it is the responsibility of the⁢ authorities to ensure that proper procedures are in place ‍to verify the identity and age of minors who come into contact with the law. The fact that this did not happen in this case is a ⁢serious concern.

The Need for‍ Reform

This incident serves as a wake-up call for the need for reform in the juvenile justice system. It is imperative that authorities take steps to ensure that minors are not wrongly sent to adult prisons, and that proper safeguards are in place to ​protect their rights and well-being.

The Impact ‌on the Child

The psychological and emotional impact of this experience on the 13-year-old girl cannot be overstated. Being sent to an adult prison can be⁢ a⁤ traumatic experience for anyone, let alone a minor.⁤ It ‍is crucial that she receives the necessary support and counseling to deal with the aftermath of this ordeal.


The ‌story of the⁤ 13-year-old girl in Pittsburgh is ⁤a sobering reminder of the importance of ensuring that the juvenile justice system is equipped to⁤ handle minors in a way that prioritizes their safety, well-being, and rehabilitation. It is essential that authorities take immediate action to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future and work towards creating a more ‍just and compassionate system for⁣ all.

Keywords: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 13-year-old girl, adult prison, juvenile justice system, shoplifting, false identity, reform, minors in adult⁢ prison.

Meta Description: A 13-year-old girl in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was wrongly sent to an adult ⁢prison after being caught shoplifting. This incident highlights the flaws in the juvenile justice system and ⁢the need for reform.

Header ⁤Tags:

H1: Tragedy ‌in Pittsburgh: 13-Year-Old Girl Wrongly Sent to Adult Prison

H2: The Failure ‌of the System

H2: The Consequences of Falsifying⁤ Identity

H2: The Need for Reform

⁢H2: The Impact on the Child

H2: Conclusion



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