Technos | Weekly audio and video podcast

2020-12-23 20:53:00

Here is our 285th press review compiled by our columnists who have selected some fascinating information for you. Contents: The regulations concerning drone piloting change in 2021, we take stock today. A leak at Ledger, your data in the wild, it looks bad. Old-fashioned sequence: The first website at 30 years old. Rejuvenation sequence: Flight Simulator goes into virtual reality. There is also talk of the biggest cyberattack in history. The calendar imposes it on us a little. So it’s a Wednesday that we’re taping a weekly episode that should smell like roast chicken. Feel free to react, share or comment on this episode. Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t yet. Good listening !

A like Android (00:04:06)

D for Drone (00:11:47)

New drone regulations. (source)

D for Drone (00:27:39)

…and already a drone delivery network project in Europe. (source, source)

F comme Flight Simulator (00:31:49)

Flight Simulator 2020 is going virtual reality. (source)

H comme Happy Birthday (00:37:53)

K like KFC (00:47:27)

The KFC game console. To keep your chicken warm while you play! (source, source)

L like Ledger (00:50:44)

Are you a Ledger customer? Your data may have been leaked. (source, source)

S like Solarwind (00:59:03)

W as Wémenon (01:05:04)

Is yours bigger than mine? (source)
#Technos #Weekly #audio #video #podcast

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