Technology and simpler procedures to “run” the Land Registry

The six main points of the bill, as developed during today’s briefing by government representative Pavlos Marinakis, are as follows:

1. The Government commits that land registration will be completed by 2025. This means that all areas of the country will be fully included in the functioning Land Registry, offering accurate and secure registration of real estate.

2. The process of correcting spatial changes is accelerated and digitized. At the same time, a simplified framework is established for the correction of geometric data, such as plot boundaries, without the need to go to court, while through a new digital platform, citizens and professionals will be able to submit their actions electronically at any time.

3. Artificial Intelligence will be used in the legal control of Contracts and thus the Land Registry will become the first public body to use artificial intelligence for administrative decision-making, reducing time-consuming procedures and speeding up services to citizens.

4. An out-of-court solution is given for plots declassified as forest and returned to their owners, without inconvenience. In cases where objections to forest maps are accepted, cadastral records will be automatically amended in favor of the owner, without legal action. This protects owners and ensures their properties are properly displayed. In addition, in cases, for example, of apartment buildings where a new measurement results in a new apartment area, the owner will now be able to unilaterally amend his contract, provided that the rights of the other co-owners in the horizontal property are not affected, while a corresponding regulation will exist and for the plots with buildings.

5. The rectification process in favor of the real owner is simplified, with an emphasis on “unknown owner” properties within a city or settlement plan, so that it can be completed directly at the land office, instead of the Court.

6. It is now possible to unilaterally amend a constitution without requiring the consent of all the owners of an apartment building when the square footage must be changed in a new contract.

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#Technology #simpler #procedures #run #Land #Registry



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