Technical education: start of construction of the first digital village in Guinea

2023-05-27 19:14:35

It is in the presence of several executives of the CNRD and the government that the Minister of Technical Education, Vocational Training and Employment proceeded this Saturday, May 27 to the laying of the first stone of the very first digital village of the country.

In the hope of meeting market expectations in the development of the digital economy, the government, with funding from the ARPT, the National Telecommunications and Digital Universal Service Agency and the National Development Budget (BND ), intends to build a digital school that meets all the expectations of these future pupils and students.

Alpha Bacar Barry Minister of Technical Education, Vocational Training and Employment during his speech returned to the need to acquire such an infrastructure: “What is Guinea’s digital village? This is a polytechnic, multilevel installation that will help build the digital champions of tomorrow, the Guinean champions. Multilevel because the facilities will make it possible to accommodate students at the primary level, to give them a digital-oriented education up to university at the engineering level. In this course, there will be, beyond the digital education pole, the digital entrepreneurship pole. Guineans who will distinguish themselves by their ideas, by their innovations will find on this site, infrastructures and a program which will help them to grow and become great entrepreneurs and to offer their services and products to Guinea and to the rest of the world. Guineans are smart. »

According to Alpha Bacar Barry, the implementation of this teaching program would allow Guineans to be productive and participate in regional and global competitions on digital issues.

This complex, which will be built on an area of ​​46,707.12 m2, will include four educational blocks, an administrative block, a residence for students made up of two buildings, an amphitheater, a library, a residence for teachers, a sports center, buildings secondary, outdoor facilities and roads and various networks (VRD), all for a period of execution of 12 months.

For Prime Minister Bernard Goumou, all means are deployed by his government to enable Guinea to multiply initiatives to catch up in the field of the digital economy and digital.

“It’s a vision for the future of our country; a vision in which we become a prosperous and competitive nation on the international chain. We are therefore determined to make Guinea a major player in the digital revolution in Africa. We know that our country has fallen far enough behind in the development of this sector. We had to wait 26 years before being connected to the first submarine cable in June 2014. At the end of 2018, Guinea was ranked the penultimate African country for the quality of the internet. And even today, the deployment of the National Backbone has not yet produced all of its expected effects. This is why the CNRD and the government are committed to reducing the digital divide by accelerating access to this national backbone by the public services of large companies and Internet service providers. Aware of the potential of this tool and the value created by the widespread and democratic use of digital technology in countries with limited resources, Guinea will multiply initiatives to make up for this delay”.

In this digital school, four areas will be developed, in particular the digital education center which aims to instil digital culture in young people, the digital entrepreneurship center which is an essential pillar of economic growth, the national digital school center which will to transform the National School of Posts and Telecommunications into a National Digital School. There will also be the research and development center which brings together all the development processes to make the ideas of young learners a reality.

It should be noted that the overall cost of carrying out this work amounts to one hundred and twenty-five billion, five hundred and seventy-five million, eight hundred and fifty thousand, five hundred and four Guinean francs (125,575. 850,504 GNF).

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