Technical data sheet. Cleaning, washing and diaper changing: it’s up to the school staff

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Welcome to the New Era of School Collaborators: Changing Diapers and Dynamics!

Regulatory Context:
So, folks! Buckle up your seatbelts, or maybe your aprons? The new National Collective Labor Agreement (CCNL), hot off the press from January 18, 2024, has turned the world of school collaborators upside down! They’re now tasked with the all-important job of… wait for it… personal hygiene care for our little cherubs in nursery and primary schools. Yes, they’ll be elbow-deep in ensuring our kiddies aren’t just scribbling on the walls but also coming out clean from the loo! ARAN (that’s the Agency for the Negotiative Representation of Public Administrations in case you were wondering) has jumped in to clarify what *exactly* is going down in the restrooms. Talk about a plumbing crisis!

New Duties of the School Collaborator:

  • Supervision and Ordinary Assistance: They’re not just babysitters—you can’t just throw the kids in the pool and shout, “Swim!” These collaborators are responsible for supervising pupils, including giving a helpful hand during meals in the school cafeterias. That’s right, folks! Picture someone wrestling with a plate of spaghetti while managing a class of mini tornadoes.
  • Assistance in using toilet facilities: Imagine the scene: “Alright kids, time to go! Form a line, single file!” The contract states that collaborators must assist students—able-bodied ones included—in navigating the wild terrain of toilet usage… Let’s just hope they don’t need to guide them with a map!
  • Personal Hygiene Care: Yes, you read that correctly! This includes washing private parts and changing diapers. Think about it: if you thought school was about learning the alphabet, well, they might just be learning a few extra “C’s”—as in cleaning, care, and compassion!

ARAN’s Response:

Now, ARAN also had to step up to the plate (no pun intended) when schools raised their manicured hands asking for clarification on hygiene tasks. They’ve confirmed that, according to Table A of the 2024 CCNL, those school collaborators have to ensure the personal hygiene of every student—including the sprightly able-bodied ones. Because let’s face it, cleanliness isn’t just next to godliness; it’s next to good teaching too!

Legal References:

  • Cassation ruling: And just when you thought this couldn’t get any more riveting, ARAN dusted off a Supreme Court ruling from back in May 2016 (yes, it’s been that long!) where they stated that refusing hygiene help could—drumroll please—constitute a crime of omission! That’s right, folks! They’re not just harboring your kids; they could be harboring a future court case!
  • Disciplinary Consequences: Oh, you thought you could just sidestep these new provisions? Not a chance! Non-compliance could lead to disciplinary sanctions faster than a child can spill a juice box!

Practical Implications for Schools:

Now, let’s talk logistics. With great power (and responsibility) comes a need for proper training. Schools are going to have to rethink their internal structure—this means specific training sessions for their collaborators to navigate this new terrain. Because nothing can be worse than having a collaborator fly blind while ambushing a pack of preschoolers headed straight for the bathrooms!

Summary of Responsibilities:

Task Scope of Application Note
Supervision of pupils Schools of all levels Including supervision during meals.
Assistance in nursery and primary toilets. Assistance also for able-bodied students.
Personal hygiene care Childhood and primary school Includes washing and changing nappies.
Assistance for pupils with disabilities All school levels Already provided for in previous contracts.


So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! The 2024 CCNL has not only redefined the roles of school collaborators but has thrown them right into the proverbial deep end. They are now tasked with ensuring that personal hygiene is at the forefront of our schools—even if that means changing the odd nappy or two! Just remember, cleanliness may be next to godliness; in this case, it’s very much part of the job description! So here’s to our unsung heroes who will be on the front lines making sure our little ones don’t just learn, but also stay clean while they do it. Now, isn’t that a job worth applauding?

Regulatory Context:
The new National Collective Labor Agreement (CCNL) of 18 January 2024 introduced important changes to the duties of school collaborators. Among these, the care of students’ personal hygiene in nursery and primary schools has generated requests for clarification from educational institutions. The ARAN (Agency for the Negotiative Representation of Public Administrations) intervened to clarify the tasks assigned to school collaborators, in relation to hygiene assistance.

New Duties of the School Collaborator:

  • Supervision and Ordinary Assistance: School collaborators are responsible for supervising pupils, including assistance during meals in school canteens.
  • Assistance in using the toilet facilities: Specifically for nursery and primary schools, the contract provides that collaborators provide the necessary assistance to students in using the toilets.
  • Personal Hygiene Care: The job description explicitly includes “personal hygiene care”, including activities such as washing private parts and changing diapers.

ARAN’s response:
The request for clarification from ARAN by some schools concerned the scope of the tasks related to the hygiene care of pupils. ARAN reiterated that, according to Table A of the 2024 CCNL, school collaborators must take care of the personal hygiene of able-bodied students, in addition to the assistance already provided for students with disabilities.

Legal References:

  • Cassation ruling: ARAN referred to the ruling of the Supreme Court (Section VI, n. 22786 of 30 May 2016), which establishes the duty of the school collaborator to intervene in the contractually foreseen tasks. According to this sentence, the refusal to carry out these tasks can constitute a crime of omission (art. 328 cp) if it is conscious and in conflict with official duties.
  • Disciplinary Consequences: Failure to comply with the provisions of the CCNL may result in disciplinary sanctions for collaborators who refuse assistance tasks.

Practical Implications for Schools:
The introduction of the new tasks has raised the need for internal reorganization in schools, especially in terms of staff training. School collaborators may need specific training sessions to adequately deal with the new assistance tasks, in order to guarantee compliance with contractual provisions and current regulations.

Summary of Responsibilities:

Supervision of pupils Schools of all levels Including supervision during meals.

Assistance in nursery and primary toilets. Assistance also for able-bodied students.

Personal hygiene care Childhood and primary school Includes washing and changing nappies.

Assistance for pupils with disabilities All school levels Already provided for in previous contracts.

Task Scope of Application Note

The 2024 CCNL redefined the role of school collaborators, extending their duties to new student assistance activities. Taking care of personal hygiene, including cleaning and changing diapers, is one of the mandatory tasks of the school assistant in nursery and primary schools. This extension of responsibility requires careful management by schools and greater awareness of workers regarding their duties.

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