Tech: Monkey pox is not the new Covid, and it can be stopped, says the expert

Tech: Monkey pox is not the new Covid and it can be stopped, says the expert

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August 2024. 21. 15:54 August 2024. 21. 19:53 Tech

The new variant of monkeypox, Clade Ib, spreads more easily than previous variants and is more likely to cause severe disease. The first appearance of this variant outside of Africa was confirmed last week in Sweden.

Monkey pox (mpox) “is not the new Covid, because the authorities clearly know how to stop its spread”, quoted a leading expert of the World Health Organization (WHO) in BBC. Despite the strong concern and global alarm about the new variant of the virus, Hans Kluge, WHO’s regional director for Europe, told reporters that we can – and must – fight mpox together.

The World Health Organization has declared the highest level of alert for the disease known as African mpox and its new virus variant, Klade Ib. Experts say Clade Ib spreads more easily than previous variants and is more likely to cause serious disease.

Decisive action now, including ensuring that vaccines reach the areas most in need, can stop another wave of spread. A case of the new variant, Klade Ib, was also confirmed in Sweden last week and has been linked to the growing outbreak in Africa.

In recent months, at least 450 people have died in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from the disease caused by the Klade Ib virus, while the African Center for Epidemiology and Disease Prevention has registered almost 1,400 new mpox cases in one week, and almost 19,000 since the beginning of the year.

Another variant, Klade II, was behind the 2022 outbreak, which initially affected Europe and continues to circulate in many parts of the world. However, experts claim that regardless of the monkeypox variant, the spread of the epidemic can be successfully contained.

The virus, which causes a fever and rash, can be spread through skin-to-skin contact, including sex.

It spreads quickly

According to Kluge, the risk to the general population is low, so it can be said that this is not another Covid-19, Kluge said. “Two years ago we managed to get monkeypox under control in Europe”, while in 2022 mpox showed us that it can spread rapidly around the world.

Kluge added that about 100 new cases of Clade II are currently being reported in the European region each month.

Travelers to affected areas in Africa were advised to consider vaccination. WHO spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic said that the WHO does not recommend the use of masks, and they also do not recommend mass vaccinations. “We recommend that vaccines be used in outbreaks for the most vulnerable groups,” he added. The African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it had a “clear plan” to procure 10 million doses of the vaccine for the continent. The DRC and Nigeria will start vaccination from next week.

The German government is sending a mobile laboratory to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to help identify those infected with monkeypox and contain the spread of the disease, the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development announced Wednesday.

In order to effectively recognize the symptoms of the mpox virus, Berlin is planning specialist training in the Congo, and information on prevention measures has also been put into perspective. According to the ministry, similar measures were already organized in the eastern part of the country in June.

Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze stated that the international emergency fund, which is currently filled with 500 million dollars, should be used against the mpox virus. According to him, in the long term, the only fair answer to stopping the spread of the epidemic would be if vaccines were produced in Africa.

Ahead of that, Danish vaccine maker Bavarian Nordic will transfer its technology to African manufacturers so the vaccine can be produced locally to increase supply and reduce costs, a WHO spokesman said.

Jean Kaseya, Director General of the African Epidemiological Center, asked countries not to punish Africa with an entry ban at a press conference.

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