Tech Mix: 3 photos from the iPhone 16 launch, 5 things to do when buying an iPhone and 20 tips for tech content creators

2024-09-22 13:30:00

New product launch week, or just new colors, is a time of celebration for Apple — when everything changes, even the stores get a new look and, hopefully, a visit from the CEO. Honestly, I would just stand there and stare at Tim Cook in awe. “Baby Reindeer” vibes.

Today I brought three photos that impacted me in some way, six tips for you who bought a new iPhone and tips for you who have, or are starting, a tips or content profile. tech.

3 photos from the iPhone launch 16

As a photographer, I always try to see these photos as more than just a take. I aim to find a concept, a reflection and interpretation, what the company wants to convey, what it represents for the world of technology.

These are my interpretations, which may not be intentional, but are what I invite you to see.

Let’s go to the records?


This photo captures more than just a launch event; it symbolizes the connection between Apple and its community, both internal and external. Cook, in the center of the image, opening the doors of the iconic Apple Fifth Avenue in New York City, is a symbolic gesture of welcoming the future that the company is offering. The smiles and excitement of the team reflect the idea that Apple is more than products; it is a culture, a family that celebrates its achievements together.

The store’s imposing, transparent glass, with its glowing logo at the top, symbolizes Apple’s philosophy of transparency, innovation and openness. The opening doors suggest not just an entrance to a store, but a gateway to a world of technological possibilities that transform people’s daily lives. The diverse presence of the team, with people from different backgrounds, highlights the company’s commitment to inclusion and celebrating differences, reinforcing that technology is for everyone.

The message is clear: Apple is not just launching a product, but inviting the world to participate in a collective experience in which each launch is a celebration of the human potential to create, innovate and connect. It’s a reminder that behind every device is a passionate team and a global community that shares this enthusiasm for the future.


A powerful representation of the emotional connection between technology and family. The little boy holding the Apple bag with a shy smile and the affectionate kiss from his mother capture the idea that Apple products are not just gadgetsbut part of the personal experiences and significant moments in people’s lives.

The mother’s hug and affectionate gesture show that Apple’s technology transcends the commercial aspect, connecting with the emotional and family. It is as if the product were not just a material gift, but an extension of the affection and love that is shared within families.

This scene reinforces that technology, when used with purpose, can create moments of joy and connection, something that Apple tries to bring with each release.


Here the recording encapsulates the decisive moment of choosing and comparing two Apple products, representing the consumer’s eternal search for the most advanced and personally satisfying technology. I also interpret the person’s indecision when seeing devices that have excellent features, and that both would serve any average consumer.

The difference also shows that the company offers options for both the most casual and the most demanding users. It communicates a message of personalization and adaptation, in which each person can choose the device that best fits their lifestyle and needs.

You can check out all the images on our Instagram profile.

6 Things to Do When Buying an iPhone

Now, if you’ve purchased a new iPhone, whether new or used, regardless of the model, here are some basic tips (optional, of course) to help you set up your new device.

Apple Account Password

This is the only tip that is not optional. Knowing your Apple Account (previously Apple ID) password is essential, something basic for the functioning of all your Apple devices.

If you restore/replace your device and can’t remember the password, say “Hello” to your new, most expensive paperweight you’ve ever owned. It’s impossible to use a restored device if you know the password. With caveats, of course, Apple can help you with the receipt, but that’s another story. Basically, write down your password somewhere. outside your iPhone. Simple as that.

Enable Stolen Device Protection

An added layer of security is added when you’re away from familiar locations, like your home or work. With this protection turned on, some features require extra actions, like showing your face to access passwords and credit cards, or adding a one-hour security delay to change your Apple Account password.

To activate, open the Settings app, tap “Face ID & Passcode”, enter your password and scroll down to “Stolen Device Protection”.

Check out the best apps on the App Store

A habit I’ve had for several years is that almost every day I open the App Store to check the Today section and update my apps. I occasionally go through the sections dedicated to apps and games and see what’s currently being downloaded the most.

If you’re not that curious, take a look at the most downloaded apps (both free and paid) at least once. It’s always good to discover new apps to make the most of your new device.

Apps Tips & Support from Apple

If you’re new to iPhone, open the Tips app, which comes pre-installed, and browse through all the categories to learn something new. There, you can even discover new features of the new system (in this case, iOS 18).

Apple Support is more in-depth and can help you solve any problem you may be having, with tips and reference articles. Just type in your situation and some suggestions will appear. If nothing is resolved, you can talk to an expert via chat or over the phone.

Set up cards in Apple Pay

Credit card, driver’s license, health insurance card, tickets, hotel reservations, food vouchers, boarding pass… nowadays I only go out with my cell phone. That’s okay, I have the car keys because modernity hasn’t reached my pocket yet.

Start by adding your credit card, just open the Wallet app (Wallet), tap the “+” sign and follow the instructions.


O Fernando Godinho made a 1-hour video on his YouTube channel with a list of the first 50 things to do on your new iPhone. The list is basically an extreme way to save battery life.

As an aside, I am against everything that starts with “Disable…” because I think that taking so many functions out of the device loses the point of calling it smartphone — it’s better to buy a pager. But I’ll leave the video below because not everyone uses all the functions, and there are other interesting tips too.

20 tips for content creators tech

In social media marketing, you learn how important it is to create a connection with your audience. Making them feel close and connected not only to you, but to your content, is one of the first steps.

Here I’m thinking about you who create content for an audience that enjoys technology, even if you’re in an Apple environment, it’s perfectly possible that this fits other platforms as well.

Below are 20 questions for you to ask your audience, even if it’s not directly in a question box or poll, but it’s something for you to think about when creating the content itself. Also, remember that each answer is a topic delivered ready for you to use.

  1. What operating system do you use on your smartphone: iOS or Android?
  2. What’s your favorite app at the moment?
  3. What kind of content would you like to see more of on my profile?
  4. What was your first experience with technology that you remember?
  5. Do you prefer detailed reviews or quick tips about apps and products?
  6. What are your biggest doubts about using smartphones?
  7. Do you follow the latest news in the world of technology? If so, where do you usually get your information?
  8. What is your favorite gadget or tech accessory and why?
  9. What features do you value most in a smartphone: performance, camera, battery life, etc.?
  10. How often do you change your smartphone?
  11. What has been your most frustrating experience with technology?
  12. Do you often use voice assistants, such as Siri or Google Assistant, in your daily life?
  13. Do you often customize the look of your smartphone with themes or wallpapers?
  14. What was the last app you downloaded and why did it catch your attention?
  15. Do you often participate in beta testing of applications or operating systems?
  16. Do you use smart devices for home automation? If so, which ones?
  17. Have you ever had a negative experience when updating your device’s operating system?
  18. What app do you use most to manage your daily tasks or productivity?
  19. Do you usually buy technology products online or do you prefer physical stores?
  20. What was the last technological innovation that really surprised you?

A hug, and see you at the next Tech Mix!

#Tech #Mix #photos #iPhone #launch #buying #iPhone #tips #tech #content #creators



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