Teams: Microsoft distributes long-awaited 3D emojis for Windows 11

The long-awaited 3D emojis are celebrating below Windows 11 their premiere. Microsoft Teams users get access to over 1800 Fluent Emojis within a new Insider Preview version, which can be used in chats, channels and reactions, among other things.

Like the Redmonders in one blog post confirm, the new Fluent Emojis update for Microsoft Teams will be distributed starting immediately. Hundreds of emojis will be refreshed to represent a “modern and delightful” version of the previous symbols. “Most of the previous teams emojis will be reinterpreted, but there are also some new emojis! All skintone-able emojis will continue to have 6 skintone options.” Microsoft to understand Kaushal Mehta.
Microsoft would like to equip Windows 11 with 3D emoji soon

3D emojis only in the Teams Preview versions for the time being

All emoji in Microsoft Teams chat and channels will be updated to the new Fluent 3D style and animated to match. The same applies to the reactions to messages, including those in live meetings. So far, the innovations have only appeared in the preview version of the popular communication tool. If your own Teams account is linked to a company account, it may also be the case that the latest Insider preview must be activated in advance by a competent IT administrator.

With the introduction of 3D emojis, Microsoft is coming promise that had already been given in July 2021. Within Microsoft Office and Windows 11, the Redmond company wanted to say goodbye to a flat 2D look and switch to a new design. So far, however, there has been no trace of the modern look, which apparently has only now been able to overcome the many hurdles in the development phase. Last but not least, the interest of Windows 11 users in the 3D design of the emojis led to an implementation that has meanwhile to logs was laid.

See also:

Microsoft, Windows 11, 3d, Emojis, Smilies, Smileys

Microsoft, Windows 11, 3d, Emojis, Smilies, Smileys

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