Teachers of the Year were awarded during the festive evening in Vilnius: a monetary bonus was presented

“Behind every successful person there are at least one or more teachers. In your hands – the generation that will change us, strongly shaped by technological evolution, value backbone. She will take away from school not only the knowledge of mathematics, history or languages, but also the skills of critical thinking, curiosity, curiosity, teamwork, and motivation to learn throughout her life. They will remain significant regardless of future professions and competencies.

In addition, alongside timeless moral values ​​and traditions, we must nurture the young generation’s tolerance for diversity, alongside citizenship – openness to the world, alongside social progress and progress – a responsible approach to climate change and environmental protection. And next to the intellectual quotient, we must also develop the emotional intelligence of a young person, which determines a successful relationship with oneself and with the world”, said Vilnius Mayor Valdas Benkunskas, congratulating on the Teacher’s Day holiday.

In the awards held for the seventh time, as every year, preschool and general education teachers of the capital and the four most active teachers of the “Vilnius is a school” project were awarded.

Agnė Draučikaitėmethodologist, deputy director of education at Vilnius nursery school “Gintarėlis”, one of the first to implement the Narrative game and learning method, is one of the co-authors and implementers. This practice was recently introduced to teachers from the Ukrainian city of Irpiny. Agnė contributed to the kindergarten’s participation in the Erasmus program, wellness and other projects, willingly shares good experience not only in Lithuania, but also abroad.

For the fact that he uses non-traditional teaching methods in the education of small children, he created several educational tasks that involve children in the language learning process – education based on discoveries and games, and together with the team he created a social and social-emotional education program for children aged 3-6 years “Little Explorers of Feelings” and initiates the use of modern technologies in the learning process, awarded the title of Vilnius teacher of the year Edita NavardauskieneMethodist teacher of pre-school education at Vilnius nursery-kindergarten “Pasakaitė”.

For motivating the younger generation to be interested in the innovations of physical activity, integrating tennis classes into the general physical education program and the fact that not only children participate in the organized physical activities, but also their parents, community members, and the teacher is able to work with children of various needs and opportunities – Vilnius Year became a teacher Gabriel Kantakeviciusa physical education teacher at the kindergarten-kindergarten in Trakų Vokė, Vilnius.

Aurelija Vainoriutėthe special pedagogue, elementary school and history teacher of Vilnius January 13th pro-gymnasium, became the Vilnius teacher of the year for the fact that she strives to educate children with significant special educational needs. Through her efforts, students integrate into society and achieve incredible results. Aurelija is able to see the unique abilities of each child, knows how to maintain a relationship of respect and order when educating children with special needs.

Lina BarauskieneVilnius St. The expert geography teacher of Kristoforos progymnasium, deputy director for education, was awarded the title of Vilnius Teacher of the Year for her innovative ideas in creating updated geography education programs, co-authorship of textbooks, educational publications and methodological tools that emphasize experiential education and practical application of geography knowledge. The teacher is a permanent organizer of the “Mano gaublys” geography competition, which encourages interest in geography not only for older students, but also for primary school children, as well as one of the organizers of the republic’s geography Olympiads for students in grades 9-12.

Photo by S.Žiūros/Teachers of the Year awarded in Vilnius

For coordinating the Eduten Playground project for the digital math class for three years, applying attractive methods for creating math tasks using such online tools as “kahoot”, “wordwall”, “quzizz”, etc. and is able to arouse students’ curiosity, develop the ability to learn independently, analyze, discuss and think critically, and the students prepared by the teacher compete in international and national mathematics Olympiads and win several high prize places.

Also for participating in the project “The Art of Research. “We learn in the community”, the pedagogue created new teaching methods for mathematics lessons, which were tested not only by school colleagues, but also by teachers from other cities – she was awarded the title of Vilnius Teacher of the Year To Teresa Januskevichmathematics teachers of Vilnius Lazdynai School.

For 40 years of experience in educational activities, popularizing the name of the school, in the city and in the country, leading the Lithuanian History Teachers Association (2011-2013), mobilizing the capital’s teachers to implement educational changes, methodical and subject development of history teachers’ cooperation: conferences, methodical afternoons , individual consultations – the title of Vilnius teacher of the year was awarded To Violeta Krisčiūnienexpert history and citizenship teacher at Vilnius Antakalnis Gymnasium.

Elona Tijūnonienėexpert speech therapist of Vilnius Vilties special school-multifunctional center, became Vilnius teacher of the year due to her accumulated professional experience in educating children with special needs – special teaching tools and exercises are prepared for children with special needs, they are shared with the country’s pedagogues during trainings, preparing reports for conferences. Elona teaches her pupils to use the most advanced information technologies: various types of communicators, eye-controlled computers, mobile hands.

Hands Pchalinathe chemistry teacher of the “Saulė” private high school won the Vilnius Teacher of the Year award for his exceptional, innovative, creative teaching process, as well as for the fact that the teacher is highly valued and loved by the students for his inventive, interesting and practical lessons. The pedagogue is able to work in chemistry laboratories with the latest technologies, is invited to provide training for colleagues. The teacher said: “Students who experience interest, wonder, joy of discovery are happy students. A happy student is, above all, a successful student.”

For the vocation to the teaching profession, the establishment of the national instrument ensemble “Jurginėlis”. By the way, the ensemble is already celebrating its 20th anniversary of creative activity, twice awarded the “Golden Bird”, actively performs not only in Lithuania, but also abroad. For the fact that individualized programs for students, allowing to reveal the uniqueness and abilities of each child. For the spirit of patriotism in developing young performers, encouraging interest in the culture and traditions of the region – the Vilnius Teacher of the Year award was presented To Dainora Kinderienexpert teacher of Vilnius Broniaus Jonuš School of Music.

Photo by S.Žiūros/Teachers of the Year awarded in Vilnius

Photo by S.Žiūros/Teachers of the Year awarded in Vilnius

For creating an innovative school-community that looks at the learning process and modern work environment with a modern eye. For exceptional attention to the strengthening of children’s health, physical activity, and the development of a healthy lifestyle. For the fact that one of the first schools in the Antakalnis microdistrict has installed a football field under the program of the Lithuanian Football Federation “Let’s raise Ronaldo for Lithuania” and that football classes are organized on this field not only for kindergarten children, but also for the community of Antakalnis – the Vilnius Teacher of the Year award was presented For Egle Varnienato the Director of Vilnius nursery-kindergarten “Atžalėlė”.

Edita Kanivaitaithe director of the Vilnius Volungė kindergarten-school, was awarded the Vilnius Teacher of the Year award for having changed the institution beyond recognition in a short period of time, both externally and internally, in the work culture. On the initiative of the director, the implementation of the Continuous Improvement Methodology was started, which allows for the systematic improvement of administrative processes, the development of pedagogues’ competences, and the strengthening of individual student progress and educational achievements. In the created learning system, children create their own rules, mission and goals, monitor their personal and collective achievements.

Lina Bairašauskieneithe director of Vilnius Maironis Progymnasium, was awarded the Vilnius Teacher of the Year award for her leadership and membership in various international and national associations. Thanks to the director, the school became a candidate for the International Baccalaureate, national and international projects have been implemented and are being implemented. The school has created a safe, healthy environment and recreation areas, strengthened the natural science laboratory, and modernized the educational base. The members of the pro-gymnasium community are grateful for the visible positive dynamics of the institution’s activities, which are the merits of an active and leadership-like manager.

The most active members of the project were also honored at the Vilnius Teachers of the Year Awards “Vilnius is a school” teachers: Auksė Michailinaitė, Vilnius Duke Gediminas Pro-gymnasium, Gintaras Tubelis, Vilnius Žemyna Gymnasium, Gintaras Inta, Vilnius Jeruzalės Pro-gymnasium, Miroslavas Lakutijevskis, Vilnius Abraham Kulvietis Classical Gymnasium. They were given gift vouchers worth 500 euros.

Saulius Prūsaitis and Iglė gave musical greetings to the laureates and pedagogues of the capital at the Vilnius Teacher of the Year Awards held on Tuesday in the ASG Arena.

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