Teachers demonstrate in Mons: “We are not asking for more money but better working conditions”

Many members of the teaching staff gather on Tuesday morning in front of the Sainte-Waudru collegiate church in Mons to relaunch their mobilization and recall their demands to the government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

The crowd has been swelling since 10 a.m. in Mons and is asking the government to finally hear it, to move from words to deeds. “We are not asking for more money but for better working conditions“, summarizes Benoît, professor of mathematics at Chimay. “The situation is only getting worse with too many children in the classrooms. We don’t feel listened to at all, the authorities don’t understand us.

The teachers also complain about the administrative work which increases considerably, taking them away from their main function. “Pedagogical work becomes incidental so much work is added to us“, confirms Ludivine, holder of a class in specialized education at Saint-Josse. “As soon as I meet a colleague in the hallways, whether it’s a physiotherapist or a speech therapist, I have to fill out a report. Class life passes by.

The union common front calls for the freezing of the staff evaluation system and a new reflection on the timetable for reforms. The timing is deemed inappropriate as the school emerges from the health crisis that has affected its operation. Education staff are also advocating for urgent thinking about class size and efforts around the sector deal.

The procession of demonstrators will march through the streets of Mons after a series of speeches in front of the Sainte-Waudru collegiate church.

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