“Teacher Union Demands and Government Response: Latest Updates and Developments”

2023-04-27 09:35:00

These are even two demonstrations that will snort on Thursday, from different places. One (CGSP-Teaching, Setca-Sel, SLFP-Teaching and Call) will leave the Gare du Midi at 9:30 a.m. The procession will move towards the central station, passing by the seats of the majority parties. The other (CSC-Teaching) is more static. It will consist of a gathering, directly in front of the Albertine (central station) at 10 a.m., to learn about the positions of the organizing authorities. When the first procession has joined the rally, all the demonstrators will take the direction of the seat of the government of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

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“Being flexible”

For more than a year, the unions have been raising five main demands. The bulk of the frustrations crystallize around the upgrading of qualifications, the future of the PMS centres, the evaluation of teachers, the administrative overload linked to the simultaneous implementation of several reforms as well as around the size of the classes. However, the minister in charge, Caroline Désir (PS), has just validated, with the French-speaking government, a series of advances on these last two files.

Last week, it announced a series of relaxations in the timetable for implementing the various reforms (LLB 21/4). “The aim is to give the teams more time and reduce the pressure by being flexible”, she repeated this Tuesday in committee of the Parliament. Concerning the “accounts” that schools must render within the framework of teaching management, the Minister also made a point of recalling that the objective contracts and the management plans belong to them. “The Wallonia-Brussels Federation will never reproach a school for not having fulfilled its objectives or for not having carried out all the actions provided for in its contract.”, she insisted.

New in class size

Questioned by several deputies on Tuesday, Caroline Désir also detailed the note adopted last week in government, concerning the size of the classes. “First, derogations from existing standards will no longer be automatic, which is the case with most of them today. The organizing authorities will have to better justify and submit any request for derogation from the authorized maximums to the local consultation bodies. The role of trade unions will therefore be strengthened.

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In addition, the regulatory power will now ensure compliance with standards by carrying out soundings. And penalties will be provided for in case of deviation.

We can recall that these maximum amounts today to 24 pupils in 1st and 2nd primary, 28 in 3rd to 6th primary, 24 in 1st and 2nd secondary, 29 in 3rd and 4th and 32 in 5th. and 6th secondary. “I am convinced that there is a way, at constant costs, to reduce these standards by a few units, but this reflection still needs to be matured”she announced.

New, on the other hand, with regard to the nursery school, the only level which currently escapes all rules. “The standard will now be 22 students per full-time equivalent subsidized supervisor., explained Caroline Désir. The objective is to see if there is a way to implement this novelty from the start of the next school year. “Or it will be done gradually, if necessary.”

Finally, a word about teacher evaluation. As explained above, the idea on the table is to distinguish the teacher support component (which the unions do not contest) from the evaluation part (which they do not want to hear about) and to postpone the latter in time. A plan that has not yet been validated by the government.

#Demonstration #Brussels #Thursday #reasons #teachers #anger

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