(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Jandi Kim = Tea Vaccine Research Institute[261780]announced on the 10th that it had applied for a phase 1 clinical trial plan for ‘CVI-VZV-001’, a herpes zoster vaccine candidate, to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.
Phase 1 clinical trial is conducted on 40 healthy adults between the ages of 50 and 65. The CHA Vaccine Research Institute will evaluate the safety and tolerability of each dose of vaccine candidate in this clinical trial to determine the maximum dose and the recommended dose for the phase 2 clinical trial.
This candidate material is a recombinant herpes zoster vaccine developed to induce a cellular immune response by applying ‘Lipo-pam™,’ the CHA Vaccine Research Institute’s own immune enhancer. Compared to the currently commercialized GSK’s ‘Singrix’, the company expects that it will be able to reduce pain during injection while having similar efficacy.
[차백신연구소 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
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2022/05/10 18:17 Send