T&E: “A thermal car should always be taxed more than an electric car”

2023-09-06 09:19:57

Encouraging more reasonably sized vehicles is important according to T&E, but a thermal vehicle should still be taxed more than an electric one.

Interviewed a year ago, Julia Poliscanova director at T&E was, as such, might not be clearer: “Vehicles that emit CO2 should always be taxed more than vehicles that do not emit CO2 in use” .

“When it comes to the environment and circularity, it’s important to ensure that electric cars are properly sized, efficient (so they require less battery material per kWh of battery capacity) and widely shared in cities,” she admitted.

But T&E is asking for consistency between pollutant emissions, climate and safety policies. “It means that although large diesel engines should be taxed more than smaller ones, this should add to the CO2/pollution penalty as they burn fuel and create pollution.”

“Even si zero-emission models, such as electric cars, should always be taxed less than CO2-emitting technologiesthey might also include tax incentives to encourage consumers to adopt more efficient electric vehicles.

Regenerative braking

In detail, the NGO also has difficulty with certain arguments on the fine particles that electric cars would emit on the tires and the brakes. With the security risks, however, this is one of the main arguments for taxing their weight.

T&E recalls that electric vehicles use regenerative braking on the motor and have every interest in doing so as much as possible to increase vehicle autonomy. Less disc braking therefore reduces the particles emitted during braking.

On tires, T&E is less categorical, but recalls that many studies on the braking particles of electric cars would also be biased, because they consider that all cars have the same type of tires, whereas electric cars have tires specific.

Finally, the technology exists to significantly reduce braking particles, so for T&E, it would in fact be necessary to have specific legislation on these emissions, rather than using this argument once morest electric cars.

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