Taxisnet: Closed due to upgrade in the early hours of Saturday – 2024-07-24 19:44:11

With the aim of continuously upgrading its infrastructure and the quality of services provided to citizens, the General Secretariat of Information Systems and Digital Governance (GIPSPSD) of the Ministry of Digital Governance is proceeding with a new upgrade of the infrastructure of the Private Computing Cloud of Databases (Exadata).

The upgrade will take place between Friday 26 January 2024 at 22:00 and Saturday 27 January 2024 at 07:00.

During the mentioned period, the services related to:

– User authentication services through TAXISnet codes ( services, IDIKA, e-EFKA etc.)
-Services such as Pothen Esches, Single Payment Authority, e-Receipt, and web services from the Interoperability Center of the General Administration of Public Administration
-Tax administration services AADE and Min. Finance, such as TAXISnet, ICISnet, TAXIS, Elenxis, MIS, PSYDIPEEK etc.

According to the protothema, as in the previous infrastructure upgrade works, every possible effort will be made to complete the works earlier than the scheduled time, in order to minimize the impact of the unavailability of services, the announcement points out.

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#Taxisnet #Closed #due #upgrade #early #hours #Saturday



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