Tax revenues increased by €2.5 billion in the first nine months of 2024

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A significant boost to the increase in State Budget revenues was given by the implementation of the measure of interconnecting cash registers directly with AADE through the expansion of the use of POS in dozens of professions. This measure had the effect of declaring increased turnovers from self-employed people who had previously shown reduced incomes. For the government, the expansion of POS throughout the economy is – as the numbers show – a strategic weapon in the fight against tax evasion.


According to the GLK data for the execution of the Budget for the nine months January-September, the total revenues of the State Budget amounted to 56,370 million euros, reduced by 683 million euros or 1.2% against the target.

In particular, the revenues of the “Taxes” category amounted to 48,867 million euros, increased by 2,494 million euros or 5.4% compared to the target included in the introductory report of the 2024 Budget. This overperformance comes both from the better performance of of income taxes of natural and legal persons of the previous year that were collected in installments until the end of February 2024 (it is noted that an estimated amount of 647 million euros is counted in the fiscal result of the year 2023) as well as from the best performance in the collection of taxes of the current year . Therefore, the excess of tax revenues that is counted fiscally in the year 2024 amounts to 1,847 million euros.


In the analysis based on the main taxes of this category, the following can be observed:

* VAT revenues amounted to 18,749 million euros, increased against the target by 688 million euros.

* The revenues of EFCs amounted to 5,387 million euros, increased by 174 million euros compared to the target.

* Real estate tax revenues amounted to 2,079 million euros, increased against the target by 39 million euros.

* Income tax revenues amounted to 17,456 million euros and are increased against the target by 1,587 million euros, of which the Personal Income Tax is increased by 651 million euros, the Corporate Income Tax is increased by 664 million. euros and Other Income Taxes increased by 273 million euros compared to the target.

Primary surplus

The increase in Budget revenues combined with the restraint of expenditure by 4,246 million euros to 49,330 million from 53,577 million euros, which has been included in the introductory report of the 2024 Budget from the introductory report of the 2024 Budget, sent the primary surplus close to 8.7 billion euros.

In particular, for the period January-September 2024, there is a surplus in the balance of the State Budget amounting to 1,568 million euros against a target for a deficit of 1,443 million euros that has been included for the corresponding period of 2024 in the introductory report of the 2024 Budget and a deficit of 397 million. euros in the corresponding period of 2023. The primary result on a modified cash basis was a surplus of 8,735 million euros, against a target for a primary surplus of 5,297 million euros and a primary surplus of 5,987 million euros for the same period in 2023.

Budget execution in the nine months
Forecast Realization Difference
Taxes 46.373 48.972 2.493
Expenses 53.577 49.330 -4.246
Primary surplus 5.297 8.743 3.445
Fiscal balance -1.443 1.575 3.018
Amounts in million euros
Source GLK

#Tax #revenues #increased #billion #months
It seems you've shared a JavaScript code snippet related to the implementation ⁤of Google Publisher Tags (GPT), Google AdSense, and various ad​ networks on a webpage. The code appears to contain logic for defining ad slots,⁤ targeting ads, and loading different ad services based on mobile or desktop platforms. Below is a basic breakdown of some of the main aspects of the code provided:

Key Components:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- The code defines multiple ad slots (e.g., inline1, inreadvideo, billboard2, etc.) using googletag.defineSlot().​ Each ad slot can have different sizes and can be targeted based on various rules.

  1. Size Mapping:

- Size mappings are applied to ad slots using the .defineSizeMapping() method, allowing flexibility in the sizes of ads displayed depending on the ‌available space.

  1. Targeting:

⁤ - The code uses setTargeting() to add ‍specific targeting information to ads, such as pageType, category, and articleid, which helps serve more relevant ads.

  1. Ad Display Logic:

⁢ - The displaySlot function is assumed ‌to handle the rendering of ‍the defined ad ‌slots based ‌on the ‌predefined conditions, such as whether the user⁣ is on a mobile device.

  1. AdSense Logic:

- The script removes⁤ inappropriate AdSense ⁤ads based ⁣on the device type (mobile or desktop) and queues the loading of ads.

  1. Integration with Other Services:

- Several integrations ⁣are hinted⁤ at in the comments, such as OneSignal for notifications, Disqus for commenting, ‌and potential third-party ad services like Taboola and ​Vidoomy.

  1. Asynchronous ‌Script Loading:

- The asyncLoadScript() function (not fully detailed in your snippet) seems to be used for dynamically loading additional scripts related to ad services or other functionalities without blocking the main ⁤execution thread.

Best Practices:

  • Error⁢ Handling: Ensure there is error handling around script loading‌ to prevent issues if a script fails to load.
  • Testing: Test the implementation across multiple⁤ devices and browsers to verify that ad slots are displayed correctly, and targeting works as expected.
  • Performance: Minimize loading times by organizing script loading ⁤efficiently, perhaps⁢ by using‍ asynchronous loading wherever appropriate.


This script forms a crucial part of monetizing a website by leveraging various ad networks. Each component,​ from ad targeting to ensuring ads display correctly based on user conditions (like device type), plays a vital​ role in​ maximizing ⁢ad revenue while enhancing user experience. ⁣If you have specific questions regarding parts of​ the script ⁢or need‌ additional help, feel free to ask!

The JavaScript snippet you've provided appears to be a part of a webpage designed for ad management. It incorporates several functionalities focused on loading and targeting ads through various networks, with a specific emphasis on Google AdSense and Google Publisher Tags (GPT). Below is a summary of its key components and their functions:

Key Components

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- The code likely defines multiple ad slots using the googletag.defineSlot() method, which indicates where ads can be displayed on the page. Each slot can have specific attributes, such as size, targeting criteria, and unique identifiers.

  1. Size Mapping:

- Size mappings allow ads to adapt based on the available space on the webpage. This is often implemented with the .defineSizeMapping() method, which enables the display of different ad sizes depending on the user's device or viewport dimensions.

  1. Targeting:

- The setTargeting() method is crucial for delivering relevant ads to users. It allows you to pass information such as pageType, category, and articleId, targeting ads to specific contexts and audiences.

  1. Ad Display Logic:

- The script is assumed to have a function (likely referenced but not included in your snippet) that handles when and where ads are displayed. This might take into account the device type and other conditions to optimize the user experience.

  1. AdSense Logic:

- There is conditional logic to remove certain ad elements based on whether the user is on a mobile or desktop device, ensuring that relevant ads show up based on the platform. This optimizes ad load and improves performance.

  1. Integration with Other Services:

- The code hints at additional integrations:

- OneSignal: A service for push notifications, initialized with an application ID.

- Disqus: A commenting platform, with a configuration function to set page identifiers and URLs for comment threads.

- Other Ad Networks: There are comments and asynchronous script loading strategies for various ad networks, which indicate that the page is designed to utilize multiple advertising services to maximize revenue.

Additional Notes

  • Error Handling & Clean scripts: While not fully realized in the provided snippet, it's important for ad scripts to handle errors and maintain cleanly loaded resources to ensure optimal performance and user experience.
  • Performance Considerations: The use of setTimeout for delayed loading of scripts can impact page load speed. It's crucial to balance ad loading with overall user experience to prevent potential bottlenecks.
  • Privacy & Compliance: Ensure compliance with privacy regulations (like GDPR) when implementing ad services and analytics tools, including obtaining appropriate user consent where required.


The provided JavaScript snippet outlines a robust framework for ad implementations, focusing on flexibility and targeting. By integrating various advertising services, the script aims to maximize user engagement while optimizing ad revenue based on user interactions and device types. It is significant for webmasters and digital marketers to continuously monitor and update ad strategies to align with trends and user preferences.

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