Tax returns 2023: Until when to submit them

Officially announced extension to the filing deadline for 2023-tax-returns-to-anaf-may-25-is-the-current-deadline-for-the-single-declaration-and-declaration-230/” title=”​CECCAR accountants request the extension of the deadline for submitting the 2023 tax returns to ANAF. May 25 is the current deadline for the Single Declaration and Declaration 230″>2023 tax returns from the Ministry of Finance.

With a decision signed by the Deputy Minister of Finance, Apostolos Vesyropoulos, an extension applies to tax declarations until July 31, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

This is finally the deadline for the submission of income tax returns for the tax year 2022 (tax returns 2023) of natural and legal persons and legal entities of Article 45 of the Tax Code, whose tax year ends on December 31, 2022.

It is reminded that the payment of the first installment of the income tax should be made by July 31.

Taxpayers with a debit settlement note have the possibility to pay the income tax:

  • One-off with a 3% discount until July 31, 2023.
  • In 8 equal monthly installments with the first to be paid by July 31, 2023 and the last by February 29, 2024.
  • In up to 24 monthly installments with the fixed arrangement.
  • In 12 interest-free monthly installments by credit card. Taxpayers who choose to pay the tax with plastic money will also get the 3% discount provided for the one-off payment.

How to get 3% off

A 3% tax deduction can be earned by taxpayers who choose to make a one-off payment by July 31, 2023, of the income tax resulting from the settlement of the tax return.

This is a measure provided for in the amendment submitted to the multi-bill of the Ministry of Finance and which acts as an incentive for taxpayers.

Who gets an immediate tax refund?

The good news is for those who have received a refund, that is, a tax refund after filing the tax return. The luckiest are those who will get money back within a week, while others on a monthly basis depending on the liquidation.

As announced, offsets and tax refunds, as well as payments of amounts, are being accelerated, as follows:

  • Taxpayers with dependent children must now fill in table 8 the last name of each child, as well as their Identity Card Number, if it has been issued, in special fields. The process of submitting an income tax return for residents abroad has been simplified.
  • Income tax refunds to taxpayers who do not have tax or insurance debts or an awareness obligation, will be sent to the Bank of Greece for immediate refund on a weekly basis.
  • Income tax refunds to taxpayers who do not have insurance debts or awareness obligations and do have tax debts will be centrally offset on the first and third ten days of each month, starting from the end of April. Those offsets that cannot be carried out centrally, will be processed as soon as possible by the DOU.
  • Income tax refunds that will result from declarations that will be submitted after the liquidation of ENFIA 2023 and until it is paid, will be offset centrally with this tax, as well as with any other tax debt.
  • Debts from income tax will be set off as a matter of priority with refund rights from other taxes, which exist or will arise until 31.7.2023, so that in case of payment of income tax through the set-off, the 3% discount is granted.

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