As they explain in APE-MPE officials of the Ministry of National Economy and Financethe new fiscal rules focus on the annual growth rate of net (after deducting revenue and expenditure on co-financed projects, as well as one-off one-off expenditure for natural disasters) primary (excluding debt service interest expenditure) expenditure .
For Greece in particular, the growth rate of net primary expenditure is 3.7% for 2025 (about €3.5 billion), 3.6% in 2026, 3.1% in 2027 and 3% in 2028. If the country wishes to spend next year in addition e.g. 1 billion euros from the limit of 3.5 billion euros, then the additional amount will have to be found: Either from the imposition of new taxes or an increase in existing ones or from revenues on a permanent basis that will have the same effect. The specific revenues can arise either from the rise in GDP, or from other sources such as tackling tax evasion. And as a 0.5 unit increase in development revenue requires a 5% increase in GDP, the heavy burden is placed on the disclosure of taxable material and the fight against tax evasion and tax evasion.
And in the second leg, a brilliant field of glory opens. Despite the fact that there are no official calculations on the size of tax evasion, the Bank of Greece estimates, from a comparison of declared incomes and consumer spending, that at least 60 billion euros are in the “grey” zone of the economy. So, with conservative assumptions, we are talking about tax evasion of 10-12 billion euros.
Already, as ministry officials report, there are the first tangible results from the disclosure of taxable material. From linking the imputed income of freelancers to the minimum wage, additional revenues of around 500 million euros are estimated, while from the loss of benefits that are no longer entitled to an additional 100 million euros. As Minister Kostis Hatzidakis stated (officially, the goal is to “disclose” at least 2.5 billion euros annually by 2027), the interconnection of cash registers with POS “has contributed to in the first half of 2024, we have 10.3% more VAT revenue compared to 2023. The remaining 7.3% comes from the development and the fight against tax evasion”.
The “arsenal” of AADE is already full for the specific purpose: Installation of POS and their connection with cash registers and Taxis, electronic invoices and shipping slips, income-expenditure mandatory via myData, pre-filled and income tax and VAT returns, real-time checks with the help of Artificial Intelligence, automatic exchange of tax information with European and third countries, opening of bank accounts with automated procedures, crossings from multiple databases, and full digitization of tax-customs.
Parenthetically, it is noted that Mr. Hatzidakis announced last Friday that the bill which will implement the initiatives announced for 2025 (among other things income tax exemption for closed properties offered for rent, further reduction of insurance contributions by one unit, incentives for mergers and innovation ), is expected to be put up for consultation next week.
In essence, curbing tax evasion is a necessary condition for a new round of tax relief. It is enough for the government to convince Brussels (the officials of the ministry believe that this is completely possible) that the measures to deal with tax evasion have a permanent and not an extraordinary positive impact on the budget. “We will tell them”, they report, “that every year I have this permanent and not temporary income, so additional fiscal space and I can now reduce taxes”.
Source: RES-MPE
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#Tax #Office #weapons #AADE #fighting #tax #evasion
OneSignal web push notification example
It appears that you’ve pasted a truncated JavaScript snippet that is likely part of a website’s ad management and tracking script. This script seems to be designed to handle various ad services (like AdSense, OneSignal for push notifications, and even Disqus for comments) with logic that includes loading scripts asynchronously. Unfortunately, the provided code is incomplete and has some placeholder areas that need to be filled in or corrected.
Here’s a generalized overview of what this code seems to be intended for and some recommendations:
1. **Ads Management**: The code attempts to remove adsense elements based on certain conditions and load advertisements through various platforms.
2. **Asynchronous Loading**: It utilizes an `asyncLoadScript()` function (though not provided) to load scripts without blocking the rendering of the page, which is crucial for performance.
3. **Ad Configuration**:
– **AdSense**: Placeholders for script sources and the loading process need to be specified. You can interact with the `adsbygoogle` class to manage AdSense placements.
– **OneSignal**: This section initializes push notifications, with the app ID set.
– **Disqus**: The configuration for Disqus comments appears to set the URL and identifier, but the URL is missing.
4. **Error Handling**: Consider adding error handling to manage script loading failures gracefully.
5. **Missing Script Sources**: Many `asyncLoadScript` calls have incomplete strings (indicated by the single quotes). You’ll need to include valid URLs or references to your script files.
6. **SetTimeout for Delay**: The use of `setTimeout()` suggests you want to stagger the loading of certain scripts, which can help with load performance but should be tested to ensure it doesn’t adversely affect user experience.
To clean it up, you should fill in the appropriate source URLs, fix any syntax issues (for example, closing quotes and brackets), and maybe read through the documentation for each ad service to ensure you’re implementing it as recommended.
Here’s a simplified structure you could reference to fill in the gaps:
function asyncLoadScript(url) {
var script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.src = url;
script.async = true;
// Example for Google AdSense
if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {
// OneSignal
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
OneSignal.init({ appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab” });
// Disqus Configuration
var disqus_config = function() { = “YOUR_PAGE_URL”; // Replace with your actual page URL = 1556997;
setTimeout(function() {
var d = document, s = d.createElement(‘script’);
s.src = ””;
s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
}, 3000);
Remember to replace placeholder values (such as URLs) with actual values relevant to your implementation.