“Tax Fraud and Scam” –

The preliminary investigations judge’s order also involves Juventus president Gianluca Ferrero, historic accountant of the Agnelli/Elkann family, and Urs Robert Von Grunigen

Rita Cavallaro

Tax fraud and defrauding the state. These are the serious accusations against the brothers John, Lapo and Ginevra Elkannbut also of the president of Juventus Gianluca Ferrero (historical accountant of the Agnelli/Elkann family) and of Urs Robert Von GrunigenThe Guardia di Finanza of Turin seized 74.8 million euros from the suspects, including financial assets, movable and immovable property.

The seizure decree, issued by the investigating judge at the request of the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office, outlines the complex and detailed investigations regarding the issue of hereditary successionwhich had opened following the death, in February 2019, of Marella Caracciolothe Elkann’s grandmother. From there, heavy controversies arose between Margaret Lambs and his children John, Lapo and Ginevra.

The investigative activities carried out during that criminal proceeding allowed the financial police to confirm the accusatory hypothesis of the fictitious foreign residence of Caracciolofixed in Swissand the existence of a criminal plan aimed at stealing her considerable wealth, also through instructions given by the family’s closest Italian collaborators to a Swiss family banker, who took care of all the tasks on Swiss territory, such as collecting the mail. The investigators certified that Caracciolo, since at least 2010, he had actually been residing in Italy and proceeded to qualify the undeclared income to the tax authorities. Now the Elkanns are accused of defrauding the Italian State.

#Tax #Fraud #Scam #Tempo
2024-09-24 00:44:00



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