Tax declarations: The extension is forced again this year 2024-07-24 02:15:01

Personal income tax returns should now be submitted at a rate of 250,000 per day, to ensure that all taxpayers have filed them by Friday, July 26, when the relevant deadline normally expires.

The numbers

In particular, until yesterday morning 5,484,719 declarations had been submitted, while the total number of expected declarations is estimated at 6.75 million (6.5 million initial and 250,000 amendments). Essentially, from yesterday morning until the evening of July 26 – within 5 twenty-four hours – a total of approximately 1.25 million declarations (initial and amending) should have been submitted.

This means that from Monday 7/22 to Friday 7/26 the average submission rate should rise to 250,000 statements per day! Given that this is impossible to do, that a maximum of 150,000 returns will be possible to submit daily on average by July 26, and thus barely 6.25 million returns will have been submitted by then, the deadline of July 26 is insufficient to the submission of all 6.75 million returns. That is, at least 500,000 returns will not be able to be submitted on time.

One way

Therefore, the Ministry of National Economy and Finance is now certain to announce an extension of the deadline for submitting the declarations.

However, the extension that will be announced will be for a few days. Information indicates that the deadline will be extended for 5 or 7 more days, ie until Wednesday 31 July or until Friday 2 August.

However, the Chamber of Commerce and the other trade union representatives of tax accountants (Panhellenic Federation of Tax Professionals, Accounting Association of Athens, Panhellenic Union of Tax Scientists, etc.) have requested a 2-month extension, until September 30, pointing out the fact that this year for the first time the time period for submitting the declarations was limited to just three months (from 25/4 to 26/7) and that at the same time this year was much greater than any other year the number of problems that arose with too many declarations, such as . the untimely electronic sending of the income data of hundreds of thousands of taxpayers that should have been pre-filled, the omissions of many pre-filled items, etc., so there was a need to submit a very large number of amended returns with corrections.

#Tax #declarations #extension #forced #year



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