Tax Credit Transition 5.0: Procedure and Benefits – MySolution

The telematic channel for sending requests for reservations of the transition tax credit 5.0 has been activated. The opening of the procedure with effect from 12:00 on 7 August 2024 was communicated by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy with a notice relating to the publication of the Directorial Decree of 6 August 2024 – Tax credit “Transition 5.0”. Terms and methods for submitting applications: on 6 August, the MIMIT Decree of 24 July was published in the Official Journal (GU General Series no. 183 of 6 August 2024), which establishes the implementing provisions of the bonus. Preventive communications may be submitted via the GSE portal in the specific “Transition 5.0” section, accessible via SPID, using the models and compilation instructions made available there.



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