Taurus, personal relationships are at the center of attention today, possibly… a new partnership will come

Once again, Mercury squares Leo with Uranus in Taurus, which brings unexpected developments and disrupts our daily lives. Changes or cancellations in our appointments, damage or unorthodox problems with our means of transport or communication, decisions, announcements or statements that will cause an unpleasant surprise, but also alienating behaviors, irrationality, sudden “crises” and verbal attacks for stupid reasons, are possible to happen, causing us turmoil.


Finances will come to the fore today, both with the Moon entering Scorpio in your 8th and Mercury in your 5th squaring Uranus from your 2nd. Financial exposures, or investments and risks are not favoured, while no matter how careful you are in management, extraordinary expenses will arise which you will hardly manage. With the Moon’s sexx with Pluto from your 10th and the Moon’s trine with Mars from your 4th, in the morning hours you will be confident and take action in order to settle family matters as well as professionally. Through some changes that will occur you will benefit financially. In relation to your partner, you will feel strong emotions.


Personal relationships are at the center of developments today with the Moon having moved into Scorpio in your 7th and also with Mercury in your 4th, forming a square with Uranus from your 1st. The way you deal with past issues with your family and things you choose to share either with your partner or with one of your partners causes reactions. You are the one who doesn’t have the patience, nor the basic logic to become flexible so that solutions can be found. The Moon’s sextile with Pluto from your 9th and her trine with Mars from your 3rd is likely to bring a new partnership and expansion of your social circle.


With Mercury square your 3rd with Uranus from your 12th, avoid discussing important matters. On the one hand, you will not have patience, on the other hand, you will have obvious irritation and of course if you are irritable by nature, you will cause explosive situations, either with close people or on the road with other drivers. With the Moon in Scorpio in your 6th and the morning hours in sexx with Pluto from your 8th and trine with Mars from your 2nd, you focus on paying off debts, buying necessities and the current obligations of your daily life , while if you work today, you will be financially favored. Towards the evening, however, you are likely to feel exhausted, not satisfied enough and become analytical and detail-oriented.


With the Moon in Scorpio in your 5th, sextile Pluto from your 7th and trine Mars from your 1st, you will face your desires with confidence and honesty. If you are in a relationship, your deep and intense feelings will show. You will be sensitive towards your loved ones and you will be active to support your partner and children if necessary. With Mercury square your 2nd with Uranus from your 11th, there is a possibility that if you find yourself with company, there will be tension and turmoil and intense conflicts will arise. Be careful with your financial affairs, as unexpected expenses may arise.


With Mercury in your 1st square to Uranus from your 10th, intense reactions are expected after disruptive events that you will hardly be able to manage. You may be extreme in your views, without patience and flexibility, causing explosive situations. A piece of news can shake you up, while generally you won’t tolerate commitments. The entry of the Moon into Scorpio in your 4th makes you less social or extroverted, it awakens memories from the past and only family members and your partner will be the people you want to share your thoughts and concerns with, because sextile Pluto from your 7th and trine Mars from your 12th.


With Mercury square your 12th and Uranus in your 9th, it is not a good day for work that requires concentration and self-discipline, as you are likely to show signs of distraction. Especially if you are studying, you will hardly be able to organize your thinking. You will be subjective in general, which is intensified by the entry of the Moon into Scorpio in your 3rd. With her sexx with Pluto from your 5th, it is a good day to settle differences and issues with relatives, your romantic partner and your children, while with her trine with Mars from your 11th, you will show special interest in new acquaintances and people with whom you have common goals. A woman can be extremely useful to you.


With Mercury square your 11th with Uranus from your 8th, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on your goals. Calmness and patience will be lacking, resulting in you making hasty decisions. Your radical views and your need to break taboos and prejudices will bring explosive events especially if you are a member of a group or deal with the public. The transit of the Moon into Scorpio in your 2nd intensifies your financial insecurities, however with its sexx with Pluto from your 4th and its trine with Mars from your 10th, you will have positive developments in the professional and financial sector, which will increase your self-confidence and will make you aware of your family needs and obligations.


With Mercury square your 12th and Uranus in your 9th, it is not a good day for work that requires concentration and self-discipline, as you are likely to show signs of distraction. Especially if you are studying, you will hardly be able to organize your thinking. You will be subjective in general, which is intensified by the entry of the Moon into Scorpio in your 3rd. With her sexx with Pluto from your 5th, it is a good day to settle differences and issues with relatives, your romantic partner and your children, while with her trine with Mars from your 11th, you will show special interest in new acquaintances and people with whom you have common goals. A woman can be extremely useful to you.


With Mercury square your 11th with Uranus from your 8th, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on your goals. Calmness and patience will be lacking, resulting in you making hasty decisions. Your radical views and your need to break taboos and prejudices will bring explosive events especially if you are a member of a group or deal with the public. The transit of the Moon into Scorpio in your 2nd intensifies your financial insecurities, however with its sexx with Pluto from your 4th and its trine with Mars from your 10th, you will have positive developments in the professional and financial sector, which will increase your self-confidence and will make you aware of your family needs and obligations.


You should be quite careful in your behavior because with Mercury in your 10th and in a square with Uranus from your 7th, your public image will suffer. Especially if you are working today, you will need to deal with the challenges and reactive behaviors of your colleagues. If you do not maintain your composure and self-control, disturbances and explosive situations will break out. With the Moon in your sign in your 1st in a sexx with Pluto from the 3rd, you will be quite intuitive and inquisitive while, with the Moon trine to Mars from the 9th, you will have a need to expand your knowledge but also to escape from your daily routine and obligations.


With Mercury in your 9th square your Uranus from your 6th, you react to anything that seems mundane and trivial. You don’t like everyday life, the simple things, so you look for new and innovative things that will reduce the feeling of dissatisfaction that you have. You will react completely impulsively to anything you don’t like and you will be distracted. With the Moon in Scorpio in your 12th square to Pluto in your 2nd, you will feel the need to commit to a situation where you will benefit financially and be able to support people who need help. With her trine to Mars from your 8th, you will be particularly emotional, you will face others with a sincere desire for support and understanding.


With Mercury in your 8th square to Uranus from your 5th, financial openings and investments are strictly prohibited. Even if you have organizations and plan everything correctly, unexpected events and situations will occur and result in losses. Your children’s reactive behavior upsets you, while if a pregnancy is imminent, attention is needed today. With the Moon transiting Scorpio in your 11th and in a sextile to Pluto from your 1st, you will be given the opportunity to commit to a cause that will benefit not only you but also others. With the Moon trine to Mars from your 7th, your partner will push you to set new goals to conquer.


With Mercury in your 7th and square to Uranus from your 4th, it is very likely that you will move into your partner’s house and become independent from your family, customs and traditions. The transition will not be easy and you will likely face the reactions of your parents. You will be impatient in general in your social relationships and various unexpected events may occur that will upset you. With the Moon in Scorpio in your 10th in a sexx with Pluto from the 12th and in a trine with Mars from the 6th, the truth is that you will make efforts to restrain yourself so as not to leave negative impressions, especially in the morning hours , you will be highly efficient and productive.


With Mercury in your 6th and square Uranus from your 3rd, you will struggle to settle pending matters, transactions and transactions due to your impatience and nervousness. You will not be satisfied with anything and will constantly cause reactions with your hasty and jerky movements. You will argue easily, especially if someone tries to limit you and “collect” you. The attitude and behavior you will have will stem from the inner need that the Moon in Scorpio will bring you in your 9th, to escape from obligations. With her sexx with Pluto from your 11th and her trine with Mars from your 5th, you will have a more romantic mood and inclination for fun and creative pursuits.

Source: astrology.gr

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#Taurus #personal #relationships #center #attention #today #possibly.. #partnership



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