Targeting the Heart: Russian Strikes on Lviv and Kiev


Tragic Missile Strikes​ in​ Lviv,⁤ Ukraine

On the night of⁣ September 5, 2024,‌ Russian missile strikes targeted Lviv, a city in western Ukraine, resulting in ‌the tragic deaths of at least three individuals, including ⁢a 14-year-old girl. The governor of Lviv, Maksym Kozytskyi, confirmed the casualties via Telegram, expressing his condolences ⁤and concern for the affected⁣ families.

Before dawn, sirens ‌echoed throughout Lviv, prompting residents to seek shelter as air defenses⁢ engaged incoming missiles.‍ The attack left several ⁢residential buildings​ damaged and injured numerous​ civilians, ⁢including children. While​ western Lviv has seen less intense fighting​ during the ongoing conflict, recent weeks have seen ⁤Russian strikes ⁢aimed at the region’s energy infrastructure, leading to significant power outages.

The assault involved a coordinated effort of drones and ‍bombers, triggering air raid alerts across Ukraine. Reports indicate that ‍explosions ​were ​audible in various cities, including the capital,​ Kiev.

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