Tarek Saab confirmed arrest of businessman Ricardo Albacete

The Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, confirmed this Friday, July 12, the arrests of Aldo Roso Vargas and businessman Ricardo Albacete Vidal, accused of allegedly attacking the National Electric System in order to sabotage the July 28 elections.

The prosecutor showed photos of material found on a farm located in the state of Táchira owned by Albacete, which functioned as a collection center for strategic material stolen from the State.

«They demolished everything that involves the strategic nerve part of the Táchira state, in said company owned by Mr. Albacete the smelting of various metals was carried out, it functioned as a collection center for material stolen from the National Electrical System, to be used in the manufactured products of this company,” he explained.

Saab indicated that “according to the investigations carried out by the MP, the detainees have also received financing from abroad to support the campaign of a sector of the neo-Nazi extreme right that uses the elections as an alibi to escalate into a climate of terror.”

“This sector, there is no doubt and the telephone extractions reveal this, are linked to the Colombian extreme right, particularly, with recognized sectors linked to Álvaro Uribe and Iván Duque,” he expressed.

He also assured that this line of investigation will be developed between the Public Ministry and the Attorney General’s Office of Colombia.

#Tarek #Saab #confirmed #arrest #businessman #Ricardo #Albacete
2024-10-07 08:07:01



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