Tarapacá security coordinator resigned: Registers two convictions for drugs and one complaint for IFV

The Undersecretary for Crime Prevention reported this Friday the departure from the public security coordinator position of the Tarapacá Region, Miguel Juárez Poncewho resigned following learning that he has a criminal record for infractions of the Drug Law and domestic violence.

The official today presented his “immediate and undeniable resignation from the position, which was accepted,” reported the division dependent on the Ministry of the Interior, which will designate his successor in the coming days.

Juarez was caught in 2004 carrying 0.51 grams of marijuana on public roads in Iquique, in the company of another subject who kept “four notebook paper wrappers containing hydrochloride cocaine“. According to the conviction, “both recognized the property of the drug, their quality as consumers and the fact that it was intended for their personal consumption.”

Then in 2005also being with another person, the former regional security coordinator was detected carrying two wrappers with elaborated marijuana, while he was in a square from the same city.

In 2010meanwhile, was denounced for domestic violence in Viña del Mar: specifically, the complaint reported that Juárez threatened to a woman, “with whom he has a child in common, pointing out that he would send people to follow her and kill her.” He never admitted his responsibility and in the case he appears as acquitted, despite the fact that until 2021 the precautionary measure of prohibition of approaching the victim was maintained.



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