Tap to change the name of Country Group Securities (CGS) to Pi Securities (Pi).

Tap to change the name of Country Group Securities (CGS) to Pi Securities (Pi).

Date 21 Feb 2022 time 22:53

“Pie Securities Public Company Limited” “Pi” “Pie” is preparing to launch a trading platform for all financial products around the world in one app.

Dr. Weerapat Petchkup, Chief Executive Officer of Country Group Securities (CGS), disclosed the resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2022 of the Company held on February 18, 2022, with important matters relating to with an approval to change the name from Country Group Securities Public Company Limited (CGS) is “Pi Securities Public Company Limited” or “Pi” “Pie”, which has been approved by shareholders such as unanimous To proceed with the name change in order to create a clear new image for “Pi”, it is expected to be officially completed by March 1, 2022 in line with the new strategy for entering the world of digital finance.

Dr. Weerapat revealed that “The change of the name “CGS” to “Pi” “Pie” this time is a big rebrand for us. The name “Pi” has a very good meaning. It is believed that everyone is already familiar with the mathematical notation that pi (Pi, π) is an infinite mathematical constant. Therefore, the name of “Pi” Securities has a meaning and the goal is in the same direction, which is that we will offer products and services that have been developed indefinitely. unlimited type or investment scope To offer investment channels that are open, safe and meet the investment needs of customers. Create unlimited growth for the group of companies. The new company name reflects the company’s commitment. To develop a new digital platform under the brand “Pi” (Pie) and in accordance with the overall business direction in focusing on creating products and bringing together innovations in financial technology from around the world.”

In addition to the new name, “Pi” Securities will come with a new digital platform that brings together innovations in financial technology from around the world into a single application scheduled to be launched in March 2022 for both Android and iOS systems. As the application’s role to be Thailand’s leading private equity trading and investment solution, the “Pi” application has been completely redesigned and redesigned. to match the modern lifestyles of investors that are rapidly changing Ready to provide real-time securities trading services to customers in a variety of products, whether domestic stocks, foreign stocks. Derivatives, mutual funds, bonds, bonds and more, all of which can be traded within a single application. There is a digital wallet system “Wallet” as an intermediary to connect. There is also a service for financial news and investments. Stock prices from leading markets around the world including comprehensive, detailed, accurate and timely analysis. All business strategy adjustments this time. Demonstrates a vision that wants to create investment opportunities for retail investors. and increase investment efficiency for the next generation of investors

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Pi Securities Public Company Limited or “Pi” “Pie” (formerly Country Group Securities Company or CGS) is a securities company that provides comprehensive financial services. by focusing on service for both High net worth customers and retail customers Leading the way in technological change has a comprehensive network of branches Focus on the development of services in new channels for the best benefit of customers Consolidated revenue and number of customers grew exponentially for 5 consecutive years, with a 39% increase in the number of customers and a 36% increase in total revenue compared to the same period last year. Currently, it ranks 15th in the securities market share, and its derivatives market share ranks in the Top 3. Recently, it received the “TFEX Best Award 2021 in the ”Active Agent Award” category for consecutive years. 3 years in a row

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