Tangshan beatings reenacted the man forcibly dragged the woman into the toilet and was arrested and released again | Zhongmu County | Tangshan beating case | Collusion between officials and bandits

Beijing time:2022-07-23 01:32

[NTDTV, Beijing time, July 22, 2022]Henan man dragged woman’s hair intobathroomVideo heat transfer of the compartment.The incident is suspected to be repeatedTangshan beating caseIn the plot, the woman in black also came to the rescue. The police quickly released the violent man following catching him, and then arrested him under the pressure of public opinion.

On July 19, a surveillance video uploaded on the mainland network showed a woman frombathroomThe cubicle escaped, and a burly man chased out, tore off her top and jacket, and then dragged her back to the toilet cubicle by her hair. Afterwards, led by a woman in black, everyone kicked the door of the compartment, and the woman finally escaped from the compartment. During the period, the trousers of the abusive man were obviously untied.

This highly suspectedattempted rapeThe video quickly attracted public attention.Later, official media quoted local police as claiming that the incident happened in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province.Zhongmu CountyThe men and women involved knew each other, and because of drinking together in entertainment venues, “a conflict occurred in the toilet cubicle”, and the man involved has arrived at the case.

Surveillance video shows that the incident happened on July 16. Public opinion questioned why the police did not arrest the suspect until three days later.

Mainland media quoted the official statement as saying, “The suspect Li and the victim are both working in Kaifeng. The two have a close relationship and have WeChat. On July 16, the two and their friends came to Zhongmu to play and drank in the restaurant. Then, they went to the max club bar to play and drink once more.” “After playing in the bar, Li and the victim entered the toilet cubicle of the bar together. In the cubicle, the two had a conflict, and the victim left the cubicle. Then, Li took violent means to drag the victim back to the cubicle. In the cubicle, when the conflict continued, Li took off his pants to urinate in front of the victim. After the victim took the opportunity to break free, she escaped from the toilet.”

Some netizens broke the news that on the night of the incident, the police believed that the other party was a boyfriend and girlfriend, and the physical conflict broke out because of the conflict. But following the surveillance video sparked public opinion, “the police arrested the man once more, and the man was detained, with a high probability of being sentenced.”

Netizens questioned what was the motive for the police to release the suspect when there was obvious evidence such as surveillance video. Netizens left messages mocking: “Okay, I believe it, they went to the toilet cubicle just to quarrel”, “Yes, he took off his pants just to urinate”.

Previously, the police were forced to announce the arrest following the brutal live video of the beating at a barbecue restaurant in Tangshan, Hebei. According to the leaked police report, the public security took the suspect back to the police station on the day of the incident. Local sources said the police accepted the so-called “conciliation between the two sides” and released the suspect on the same day.

Afterwards, the local network broke the news that the case involved the collusion between the underworld and the public security, and the four women who were beaten had died tragically. However, the CCP authorities strictly sealed the news and forcibly blocked public opinion. The truth of the case is still a mystery to this day.

(Comprehensive report by reporter Jing Zhongming/responsible editor: Xu Gengwen)

URL of this article: http://cn.ntdtv.com/gb/2022/07/22/a103485224.html



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