Tami, official mascot of the ASU 2024 Particular Olympics Latin American Video games, was introduced

Asunción, IP Company.- A 100 days of the IV Latin American Video games Particular Olympics Asunción 2024 was introduced, this Monday, the official character of the appointment. It is about Tamia pleasant Anteater that may animate the nice celebration of inclusive sports activities in Paraguay.

The presentation of the official mascot was attended by the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, and the primary girl, Leticia Ocampos, the Minister of the Nationwide Secretariat of Sports activities, César Ramírez, in addition to different authorities of the Govt Department and different powers.

TAMI is a “big anteater that involves steal hearts and hugs,” says the official account of the Video games, after the presentation of the mascot.

The IV Latin American Particular Olympics Video games will happen for the primary time in Asunción, from October 4 to 12, 2024.

The video games, which can function 13 aggressive sports activities and 14 modalities, will probably be a celebration of the ability, willpower and unity of greater than 1,000 athletes from 20 Latin American nations.

As well as, roughly greater than 5,000 volunteers will collect to accompany the athletes and their greater than 300 coaches. Greater than 150 judges are anticipated and the attendance of roughly 1,500 relations will probably be spectators on the occasions that embrace 12 sports activities, 13 modalities and 1 exhibition sport.

“This humanitarian expertise will assist construct cultural bridges and promote the complete inclusion of individuals with mental disabilities in our area with greater than 5,000 volunteers. Paraguay is inclusion… a real celebration of sport and inclusion! ”The primary girl of the Nation, Leticia Ocampos, had expressed by way of her social networks.

#Tami #official #mascot #ASU #Particular #Olympics #Latin #American #Video games #introduced
2024-06-27 13:24:25

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