“Talking about it is already treating yourself” – Psycom – Santé Mentale Info

The campaign comes as the French population has been tested for more than a year by the health crisis and the measures taken to fight against the coronavirus. L’CoviPrev survey conducted regularly by Public Health France since March 2020 shows an overall deterioration in mental health, particularly marked among young people aged 18 to 24.

With the message ” Talking about it is already healing “, the objective is to encourage people to confide in those around them or their doctor about the stress, weariness or fear they may feel. They are also invited to dial the government toll-free number dedicated to Covid-19 (0 800 130 000) to be referred to a psychological support line and to learn about ways to get better on the Psycom site.

Psycom, a public mental health information organization, offers reliable, independent and accessible information to understand the signs to pay attention to, to know where to turn for help and, in the face of the epidemic, how to protect yourself. .

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