Talal Maddah is better than Muhammad Abdo for this reason! • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The popular artist Saad Gomaa chose the artist Talal Maddah following being asked regarding the best between him and the artist Mohamed Abdo.

He said, through the “A Al-Seef” program on the Kuwaiti “atv” channel: “The artist Talal is the best, with a testimony from the artist Mohamed Abdel Wahab, who composed for him and described him as the best singer.”

Juma’a added: “The Al-Aseel song, when Talal Maddah sang it, the people of the Levant were astonished and said, How is this the son of the desert, imagining that Saudi art has a certain character.”

He pointed out that Farid al-Atrash, when he met with Talal Maddah in a full session, did not catch the oud and only hear it, pointing out that Talal had a problem that he was moody and did not perform quickly.



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