Take-Two attacks Remedy because its new logo resembles (a little) that of Rockstar | Xbox

2024-01-17 11:58:03

The video game industry is a special environment and Take-Two proves it once again by attacking Remedy Entertainment over its new logo.

There is an “R”

Indeed, as reported by
Take-Two Interactive filed an appeal last September against Remedy Entertainment, because it believes that the studio’s new logo is similar to that of Rockstar Games and that “there is a risk of confusion in the mind of the public”.

Unveiled at the start of 2023, Remedy’s new logo represents an “R” and replaces the old one in which we found a ball, the studio’s signature, in reference to Max Payne. This is still there, but less marked. When Remedy unveiled its new logo, the studio clarified that it wanted to free itself from the representation of a single license.

It was time to update and redefine our visual identity to provide more consistency, show our evolution over the years and better express our vision of today’s Remedy.

The new Remedy logo does not have a star and the colors are not similar either, the two logos have a capital R in common.

Case to follow

If we imagine that Take-Two’s request is more of a formality than a frontal attack, it still remains quite astonishing. The situation is all the more comical as Remedy and Rockstar are currently working hand in hand on the development of the Max Payne 1 & 2 remakes.

The case is obviously still ongoing and we will therefore have to wait before getting the final word on this story.

Remember that in 2021, Take Two notably attacked the studio Hezelight, pushing the latter to abandon the brand of its game It Takes Two. If you have a trademark to register, it is therefore better to avoid any similarity with the name of the publisher, its studios and its licenses.

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