Take it for your health.. 5 sources rich in the sunshine vitamin

for vitamin "of the" Which helps the body absorb calcium, and maintain adequate concentrations of magnesium and phosphate in the blood.

Well he plays "sun vitamin" An important role in brain development and mental health, in addition to its importance for the heart muscle and system immunity.

Although the sources of this type of vitamins are mostly animal, there are some plant foods Rich in them as in the following list:


has mushrooms Unique ability to produce a vitamin "of the" when exposed to ultraviolet rays, according to the website "Healthline" medical.

According to a study published in the journal "Food and chemical toxins"types of mushrooms (that are not grown in dark areas) may contain between 154 and 1136 units (3.8 and 28 micrograms) of the vitamin. "of the" Per 3.5 ounces (100 grams).

Experts advise not to eat wild mushrooms unless the person has experience that enables him to distinguish poisonous species that may cause serious symptoms and may be fatal.


Accurate cementing is often done Oats And ready-to-eat cereals with a vitamin "of the"Half a cup (120 grams) provides up to approximately 120 international units (3 micrograms).

Plant milk

Many types are available Plant milk containing vitamin "of the" such as soy, almonds, rice and oats, as they may contain 100 IU (2.5 µg) of this type of vitamin per 1 cup (240 mg) serving.

Tofu cheese

It can contain 100 grams of cheese tofu Which is made by curdling soy milk contains 100 IU or 2.5 micrograms of the vitamin "of the"According to data released by the US Department of Agriculture.

Sun rays

According to the National Institutes of Health in the United States, exposing your face, arms, legs or back to sunlight for 5-30 minutes twice a week – without protector From the sun – usually enough to generate vitamin levels "of the" optimum.


The great benefits are no secret for vitamin D Which helps the body absorb calcium, and maintain adequate concentrations of magnesium and phosphate in the blood.

so does he playsun vitaminAn important role in brain development and mental health, in addition to its importance for the heart muscle and system immunity.

Although the sources of this type of vitamins are mostly animal, there are some plant foods Rich in them as in the following list:


has mushrooms A unique ability to produce vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light, according to the “Healthline” medical website.

According to a study published in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology, types of mushrooms (that are not grown in dark areas) may contain between 154 and 1136 units (3.8 and 28 micrograms) of vitamin D per 3.5 ounces (100 grams).

Experts advise not to eat wild mushrooms unless the person has experience that enables him to distinguish poisonous species that may cause serious symptoms and may be fatal.


Accurate cementing is often done Oats And ready-to-eat cereals are rich in vitamin D, as half a cup (120 grams) provides up to approximately 120 international units (3 micrograms).

Plant milk

Many types are available Plant milk Foods that contain vitamin D, such as soy, almonds, rice, and oats, may contain up to 100 IU (2.5 micrograms) of this type of vitamin per 1 cup (240 mg) serving.

Tofu cheese

It can contain 100 grams of cheese tofu Which is made by curdling soy milk contains 100 international units, or 2.5 micrograms, of vitamin D, according to data published by the US Department of Agriculture.

Sun rays

According to the National Institutes of Health in the United States, exposing your face, arms, legs or back to sunlight for 5-30 minutes twice a week – without protector From the sun – usually enough to generate optimal vitamin D levels.



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