Take Care of Electricity During Ramadan, North Sumatra’s PLN Presents Direct Touch PDKB Cars

WHILE, Waspada.co.id – Ahead of the holy month of Ramadan, PLN North Sumatra Main Distribution Unit (UID Sumut) held a call to prepare for electricity supply during the month of Ramadan and Idul Fitri 1444 Hijri as well as deploying maintenance troops for medium-voltage electricity networks without blackouts with the synergy of the Officers in a State of Voltage (PDKB) team.

The PDKB troop deployment was directly led by Director of Distribution Adi Priyanto accompanied by General Manager of PLN UID North Sumatra, Tonny Bellamy and Senior Manager of Distribution, Didik Wicaksono during a working visit in North Sumatra.

The Director of Distribution, Adi Priyanto, instructed PDKB officers to maintain a reliable electricity supply so that all people can carry out their fasting worship smoothly without being disturbed.

These PDKB officers are an elite team because they can carry out work in a state of tension, full of risks and must comply with work SOPs and be in good physical and mental health. These efforts are to improve service to the community and improve the company’s image.

General Manager, Tonny Bellamy said it was an effort to maintain the reliability of electricity supply during the month of Ramadan. PLN launched the PDKB car using the direct touch method. This innovation aims to minimize blackouts.

“By launching this program, PLN UID North Sumatra has a total of 51 personnel consisting of 4 PDKB teams with the direct touch method spread across UP3 Medan, UP3 Binjai, UP3 Lubuk Pakam, UP3 Medan Utara and 1 PDKB team at a distance. ” he said, Monday (6/3).

This aims to ensure that all personnel and supporting infrastructure are in a ready and prime condition. Throughout 2022, it was recorded that the peak electricity load in North Sumatra would reach 2,044 MW.

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“In the month of Ramadan in 2022 the highest peak load will reach 1,924 MW and it is projected that the peak load for the month of Ramadan in 2023 will reach 2,171 MW,” he said.

Standby electricity supply at PLN UID North Sumatra is supported by 286 PLN employees, 2,921 standby personnel, 67 standby posts and 321 other supporting vehicles to maintain the reliability of electricity supply during the month of Ramadan. In addition, there are 16 Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) spread across 8 locations and 6 special locations on the causeways and rest areas.

“We are optimistic about all the preparations that have been made to maintain electricity supply during the month of Ramadan. The hope is that all people who carry out fasting and other worship services can worship comfortably, “concluded Tony. (wool/eco/d1)

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