Take advantage of a free first orthodontic consultation for your children

2023-05-15 08:40:25

This orthodontic prevention operation is organized from May 15 to 21 throughout France. It is intended for children from 7 to 9 years old.

A survey conducted in 2022 reveals that more than a third of French children have had recourse to orthodontics. Whether through the fitting of fixed or removable dental appliances, this type of treatment aims to realign teeth and bones for better dentition. But if the devices are generally placed in adolescence, it is recommended to consult much earlier.

Orthodontists believe that the first examination must be done around 8 years of age. Indeed, following a complete examination of the dentition, the specialists can determine if a device is required or not. However, getting an appointment with these practitioners can be expensive. Moreover, it can be difficult to obtain because their schedule is very busy.

In order to overcome this problem, a special operation is set up. Between May 15 and 21, 2023, parents and children can enjoy a first free orthodontic consultation.

Preventive consultations aimed at allowing early treatment

In rare cases, orthodontic treatment can be offered from the age of 5. However, it is between 7 and 9 years old that the preventive examination is most useful. Indeed, at this age, the child begins to have his adult teeth. But he still has some baby teeth. In fact, the development of his teeth can be aggravated if certain teeth refuse to come out or grow crooked.

Via this first preventive examination, the specialist can observe the child’s teeth in detail. He looks at the face, the profile, the smile, the facial and tongue muscles, the oral and nasal ventilation… If necessary, an X-ray can also be taken during this consultation.

As soon as the dentition is observed in detail, the specialist can prepare a treatment plan if he deems it necessary. At the same time, a free quote is given to parents to think regarding it with a clear head. Note that orthodontics is an expensive treatment. But partial coverage is possible by Health Insurance under certain conditions.

Where can I find a free orthodontic consultation near you?

The operation is organized everywhere in France via the Orthospé.fr website. To find a health professional near you who offers these free visits, simply go to the site. Fill in your city and tick the box “Office participating in the screening week”.

In a few minutes you can book your free slot and enjoy an appointment for your child. Please note that this service is reserved for children aged 7 to 9.

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