“Taiwan Buffett” took 4.1 billion yuan and changed his sentence to 14 years in the first instance

The self-proclaimed Taiwanese Buffett, Zhou Ruiqing, president of Yiyuanfu Investment Holding Group, who specializes in sucking blood for the elderly, was suspected of sucking 4.1 billion yuan in gold, and the sentence was changed to 14 years in the first instance. (Photo/Photo by China Times Yang Shuting)

[周刊王CTWANT] The self-proclaimed Taiwanese Buffett, Zhou Ruiqing, the president of Yiyuanfu Investment Holding Group, who specializes in sucking blood for the elderly, was suspected of sucking 4.1 billion yuan; the Kaohsiung District Court in the first instance was sentenced to 17 years and fined 900 million yuan for violating the banking law. The second instance Kaohsiung High Branch Court changed the sentence to 15 In June 2009, the fine was reduced to 500 million yuan, and Keyi was sentenced to 3 years of hard labor. On the 14th, the first trial was executed. The Kaohsiung High Branch sentenced him to 14 years, and the fine was reduced to 450 million yuan.

Zhou Ruiqing claimed in May that he had repaid about 3.7 billion yuan to the victim, and that he had repaid 500 million yuan before and during the detention period, which had exceeded the 4.1 billion yuan determined by the first instance, and that he had been detained for more than 4 years, nearly half of the sentence. , has reached the bail threshold, and asked the lawyer to apply to the court for bail suspension, but the judge believes that Zhou Ruiqing’s withdrawal information cannot determine whether the victim’s money has been returned and reconciled with the victim in accordance with the law.

On the 14th, the first-instance judgment was announced, and Zhou Ruiqing violated the Banking Law, and the sentence was changed to 14 years, and the fine was reduced to 450 million yuan, which can be appealed.

In 2014, Zhou Ruiqing opened “Yuanfu Asset Management Co., Ltd.” and changed its name to “Qianding Asset Management Co., Ltd.” in 2015. He was suspected of using a large number of aborigines as human heads, using false names and false ID cards to defraud them, and to use them for briefings, meals, etc. It will promote the illusion of a promising future and a promising future, and then use the partnership fund and many benefits as a guise to attract 78 million yuan; after that, the “Yuanyuan Group” was established to continue to attract money, and the pseudonym “Chen Zilong”; Fujing Holdings Co., Ltd. received another 3.8 billion yuan. According to the statistics of the investigation and investigation, the fraud group organized by Zhou Ruiqing attracted a total of more than 4.1 billion yuan from August 2013 to December 2016.

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