Tailor-made molecules to counter quantum decoherence

2023-12-20 23:10:00

Quantum mechanics constitutes a fascinating universe where particles can exist simultaneously in several states. A team of researchers has developed a method to design molecules with specific quantum coherence properties. This discovery might lay the foundations for new quantum technologies.

In quantum mechanics, particles can exist in multiple states at once, defying the logic of our everyday experiences. This property, known as quantum superpositionis the basis of emerging quantum technologies that promise to transform computing, communication and sensing.

Quantum superpositions face a major challenge: quantum decoherence. During this process, the delicate superposition of quantum states breaks down as it interacts with its surrounding environment.

Spectral density: a key to controlling decoherence

To harness the power of chemistry to build complex molecular architectures for practical quantum applications, scientists must understand and control quantum decoherence. They must therefore design molecules with specific quantum coherence properties. This requires knowing how to rationally modify the chemical structure of a molecule to modulate or mitigate quantum decoherence.

To make themselves known, scientists must spectral density », the quantity which summarizes the speed of the movements of the environment and the intensity of its interaction with the quantum system.

Until now, quantifying this spectral density in a way that accurately reflects the complexities of molecules has remained elusive for theory and experiment.

A team of scientists has developed a method to extract the spectral density of molecules in solution using simple resonance Raman experiments. This method captures the full complexity of chemical environments.

Led by Ignacio Franco, associate professor of chemistry and physics at theUniversity of Rochesterthe team published their results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Understanding and controlling decoherence

Using the extracted spectral density, it is possible not only to understand how quickly decoherence occurs, but also to determine which part of the chemical environment is primarily responsible for it. As a result, scientists can now map decoherence pathways to link molecular structure to quantum decoherence.


Ultimately, the team’s research paves the way for understanding the chemical principles that govern quantum decoherence.

« We are excited to use this strategy to finally understand quantum decoherence in molecules with full chemical complexity and use it to develop molecules with robust coherence properties », concludes Ignacio Franco.

For a better understanding

What is quantum superposition?

Quantum superposition is a fundamental property of quantum mechanics that allows a particle to exist in multiple states at once.

What is quantum decoherence?

Quantum decoherence is the process by which the delicate superposition of quantum states breaks down when interacting with its surrounding environment.

What is spectral density?

Spectral density is a quantity that summarizes the speed of the environment’s movements and the intensity of its interaction with the quantum system.

The new method makes it possible to extract the spectral density of molecules, which makes it possible to understand and control quantum decoherence.

What are the implications of this research?

This research paves the way for understanding the chemical principles that govern quantum decoherence and might help develop molecules with robust coherence properties for quantum technologies.


Main illustration caption: Rochester researchers have presented a strategy for understanding how quantum coherence is lost for molecules in a solvent of great chemical complexity. These results pave the way for the rational modulation of quantum coherence through chemical design and functionalization. (Mixed image: Anny Ostau De Lafont)

Ignacio Franco et al. “Extracting the spectral density of molecules in solvent from simple resonance Raman experiments”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2023).

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#Tailormade #molecules #counter #quantum #decoherence



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