Tagesspiegel: March 7, 2003: In his report to the UN Security Council, Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix certifies that Iraq has taken “essential disarmament steps”

Under Tuesday, March 7, the book of history records, among other things:

1138: The Staufer takeover of power: After the death of Emperor Lothar III. Konrad von Staufen, Duke of Swabia, is elected German king by a minority of princes.
1718: Imperial manifesto ” once morest the carrying of swords by unauthorized persons”. Craftsmen in particular wore swords on Sundays and often did mischief with them.
1758: Field Marshal Count Leopold Daun, who had inflicted a heavy defeat on the Prussians in the Battle of Kolin, and Prince Karl von Lorraine are the first to be awarded the Grand Cross of the military Order of Maria Theresa by Emperor Franz I Stephan in the Vienna Hofburg. This was awarded 1,241 times by the end of the First World War.
1793: Laying of the foundation stone for the Capitol, which later became the seat of the US Congress.
1898: After the resignation of Prime Minister Baron Paul Gautsch von Frankenthurn, Prince Franz Anton von Thun-Hohenstein, advocate of a Bohemian settlement opposed by the German nationalists, was commissioned by Emperor Franz Joseph to form the Austrian government.
1918: Germany concludes a peace and friendship treaty with Finland.
1918: Lenin defends the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty in a keynote speech.
1933: The Council of Ministers, chaired by Federal Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, decides to make use of the “War Economy Enabling Act” of 1917 in order to be able to govern without parliament.
1933: In Germany, the cultural-political magazine “Die Weltbühne” directed by Carl von Ossietzky appears for the last time. The 1936 Nobel Peace Prize winner died in 1938 as a result of his imprisonment in a concentration camp.
1933: The former Social Democratic Prime Minister of Prussia, Otto Braun, flees to Switzerland.
1938: The shop stewards’ conference of the trade unions forced into illegality by the corporate state meets in the Floridsdorf workers’ hostel and demands a minimum of free activity from Federal Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg, “because only workers who feel free will be able to defend Austria’s freedom once morest the Nazis”.
1943: Prince Franz Josef II, who had reigned since 1938, married Countess Gina Wilczek in Liechtenstein.
1963: After twelve weeks of negotiations, Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany conclude a trade agreement.
1978: In Antwerp, the Austrian honorary consul, the Belgian industrialist Baron Charles Victor Bracht, is kidnapped. His body is found in a landfill on April 10th.
2003: In his report to the UN Security Council, Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix certifies that Iraq has taken “essential disarmament steps.”
2003: Svetozar Marović becomes the first president of the new state union of Serbia and Montenegro.
2018: Out of dissatisfaction with his living situation, a 23-year-old Afghan attacked a completely uninvolved family and his drug dealer with a knife in Vienna-Leopoldstadt. Some of his victims are seriously injured and only survive with the fastest medical help. In September he was sentenced to life imprisonment for attempted murder.

birthdays: Anna Magnani, Italian actress (1908-1973); Gordon Randolph Willey, US archaeologist (1913-2002); Rolf Thiele, German film producer, director and author (1918-1994); Milo Dor (actually Milutin Doroslovac), Austrian Writer of Serbian origin (1923-2005); Hannelore Kohl, German philanthropist, wife of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl (1933-2001); David Baltimore, US microbiologist; Nobel Prize 1975 (1938); Sir David Spedding, British spy; Chief of British Intelligence MI6 (1943-2001); Walter Rothensteiner, Austria. Bank Manager (1953).
days of death: Igor Markevich, Russian composer (1912-1983); Damiano Damiani, Italian director (1922-2013); Leonie Rysanek, Austria opera singer (1926-1998); “Divine” (Harris Glenn Milstead), US actor, transvestite and singer (1945-1988); Dirk Coetzee, South Africa. Police Officer (1945-2013).
name days: Felicity, Reinhard, Perpetua, Volker, Thomas, Harduin, Johannes, Theresia, Polykarp, Ardo.



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