Antananarivo. Thank you CUA, I am Jeannot Ramambazafy now the owner of eight houses

Shall I cry or laugh? I won’t go into depth. You readers don’t waste your time explaining why “In 1997 there was an inventory of the last houses built in Antananarivo Capital”. And this issue stopped there, but many mayors have succeeded one another, either elected or deputy (PDS), or emergency deputy. Guy Willy Razanamasy … Read more

Andohalo, Antananarivo, 17.11.2022. Meeting of Jean Pascal (Auxiliary Bishop) and Jeannot Pascal (Perpetual Journalist)…

When we listen to this Bible scholar, appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Antananarivo by Pope Francis on July 8, 2019, whether in public or on audiovisual channels, we understand that we are dealing with a scholar who shines with a sense of divine communication. He was also Rector of the interdiocesan philosophical seminary of Antsirabe. This, … Read more

Antananarivo, November 17, 2022. Holding of the Technical Forum on the Capitalization of Financial Protection Experiences in Health in Madagascar

Investments for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) are keys to strengthening Madagascar’s Human Capital and contributing to the country’s resilience and emergence. Strengthening financial protection in health is thus a contribution to economic growth and poverty reduction. In recent years, the Government of Madagascar has made ambitious commitments to UHC. In 2015, it adopted the National … Read more

the whole program of December 13, 14 and 15, 2022

For the Biden administration, this 2nd USA-Africa Summit aims at « put the continent back at the heart of global diplomacy”… We already know that new investments will be announced. Thus, from a source from the National Security Council of the White House, « lhe United States will commit $55 billion to Africa over the next … Read more

Washington DC. The Malagasy presidential couple, Andry and Mialy Rajoelina, invited to the White House

ATIT ISWHERE TO ARRIVALIT ISE OF THE MALAGASY PRESIDENTIAL COUPLE HERE The Wednesday, December 14, 2022during the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit Dinner president, organized in the East Room of the White House in Washington DC, the President of the United States of America, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr -commonly known as Joe Biden-, told dozens of African … Read more

Africa, good governance and elections 2023. More than 165 million dollars from the United States

LARGE FORMAT HERE Washington DC, Wednesday, December 14, 2022. In the “Cabinet Room” from the White House, US President Jo Biden met, President Félix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); President Ali Bongo Ondimba of Gabon; President George Manneh Weah of Liberia; President Andry Nirina Rajoelina of Madagascar; President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria … Read more


In just a few hours, the year 2022 will completely turn around and never come back. Only those who know how to torture themselves will continue to suffer to recount all this suffering as if tomorrow the entire island of Madagascar will sink into the sea.. Is that really the saying: it is easy to … Read more


CLICK HERE IF YOU STILL WANT TO DO LIKE MASINDAHY TOMAS At the beginning of the new year, Panapepo is the main focus of public opinion. So whatever he will say during this year 2023 until he is 74 years old, it seems like 4L and Frigo in every house. Empty promises. He admitted that … Read more