Iulian Odriste, the double murderer who set fire to Catalan prisons | News from Catalonia

Concentration of officials in front of the Quatre Camins prison (Barcelona), on the third day of protests over the murder in prison of a cook at the hands of an inmate.Maximilian Minocri April 24, 2016. Around 1:30 a.m. In a private home in Valls (Tarragona). Iulian Odriste, a 41-year-old construction employee, picks up a kitchen … Read more

Health asks large hospitals not to hire temporary health workers and opt for other centers | News from Catalonia

The Department of Health is looking for formulas to redistribute health personnel in Catalonia without increasing spending. The department considers that the community does not guarantee territorial equity and that large urban hospitals have significantly more favorable ratios than intermediate or rural hospitals in certain services. Health aims to redistribute professionals from the main health … Read more

Agricultural Show: Emmanuel Macron organizes a – new – big debate

As usual, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, will inaugurate the sixtieth edition of the Salon de l’Agriculture, this Saturday February 24 in Paris. After greeting Oreilette, the Normandy cow, the face of the 2024 edition, Emmanuel Macron will go to the “ring”, the place where the animals will be presented. While the Show … Read more

Call for strike Thursday February 1: what teachers are demanding

“The new minister of National Education denigrates public schools as soon as he takes office to advertise hyper-selective private education. On strike on February 1 for the public education service!” launched the Sud Education union in mid-January. In reality, the teachers’ strike this Thursday, February 1 had already been announced at the beginning of the … Read more

Trade Union Strikes at Colruyt Warehouses: Challenges and Legal Victories

2023-12-06 10:39:18 On November 10, 15 and 22, trade unions walked off the job to obtain better working conditions. In a context of “salary freezes and difficult-to-pay bills”, they asked for a bonus in purchasing power. Actions were notably organized in several large warehouses of the Colruyt company, and leaflets were distributed to workers, slowing … Read more

Who really is Laurent Blois, trade unionist and defender of audiovisual technicians

2023-12-03 19:00:04 Laurent Blois, general delegate of the Union of Professionals in the Audiovisual and Cinema Industries (SPIAC CGT). CAROLINE MAGRIT The voice of audiovisual and cinema professionals For 23 years, Laurent Blois, 61, has been the general delegate of the Union of Professionals in the Audiovisual and Cinema Industries (SPIAC CGT), which brings together … Read more

Unions turn the page on union, seven months after pension reform

2023-12-02 11:09:34 For at least several months, the inter-union will no longer march in full force in the street. During a meeting, Friday 1is December, at the national headquarters of the CFDT in Paris, the leaders of the eight main employee organizations attempted to redefine the operating rules of their alliance, crossed by tensions for … Read more

The EDF Union Scandal: Unveiling the Mismanagement of the CGT

2023-11-25 13:57:37 Par Richard Flurin Published 3 hours ago, Updated 30 minutes ago It will be necessary to wait for the appointment of a new general director at the CCAS, in 2001, for all light to be shed on the way in which the CGT administers the “EDF hoard” Emma Segall/ Le Figaro INVESTIGATION – After … Read more