The former IDF spokesman reveals what is being hidden from us in the war in Gaza

Former IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Ronan Manelisreferred in an interview to the journalist’s podcast Saul of Amsterdam in the war corporation and revealed in his words what is being hidden from us in the war in Gaza. “A thing that should not be”: are we witnessing another failure of the security system?Halevi Bashifa: “They are … Read more

New details about the assassination of Marwan Issa

After the reports in the Arab networks regarding the assassination of the commander of the Central Camps Brigade of the terrorist organization, Marwan Issa, today (Sunday) Amir Bar Shalom Shalom, the GLA military commentator, revealed new details about the assassination. dead? Turning? Buried under the rubble? “Indications in Israel and Gaza are that Marwan Issa … Read more