Another person arrested for selling pirated IPTV on social media

2023-11-24 19:41:51 IPTV piracy continues to be the target of police operations around the world. This time, a 62-year-old British man was arrested in the city of Benidorm, Spain, suspected of being involved in a major pirate IPTV scheme. He was detained after a broadcaster made a complaint about social media accounts that were selling … Read more

Unprecedented! Anatel fines first individual for selling pirated TV Box

2023-10-31 19:31:00 For the first time in the history of piracy in Brazil, Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) imposed a fine on an individual involved in the sale of unapproved equipment, the famous clandestine TV boxes, popularly used to access pirated IPTV services. Until then, this type of action was only applied to legal entities. The … Read more

Is using TV Box illegal? How does Anatel find out if you are a pirate?

2023-08-02 16:47:00 Last week, the Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) announced a major plan to combat the use and sale of pirated TV Boxes in Brazil. The “TV boxes”, also known as “gatonet” and “skygato” will be blocked remotely by the organ, making them useless. That said, There are some questions that we will answer in … Read more