From the Theater of Shadows, to the Theater of Marionettes! – 2024-05-02 01:16:21

Paternal innovation: From the Shadow Theater… Karagiozis and his company “move” to the Marionette Theater! The fellow carpenter and visual creator Kostas Salpistis is the one behind this ground-breaking artistic project, which is a pan-Hellenic originality! It will be the first time, that the barefoot hero, his family, Hatziavatis and all the other beloved heroes … Read more

Kostas Salpistis: A “Gepetto” from… Pratsika! – 2024-02-29 21:09:42

He is, perhaps, the last manufacturer of handmade wooden puppets in Greece! And he is Father! It is Kostas Salpistis, who as another “Gepetto” has transformed his humble workshop in the area of ​​Ag. Ioannis Pratsikas in a small fairytale town. Where beloved wooden Don Quixotes, princesses, Pinocchios, Goblins, toy soldiers, elves, fairies, barrel-faced people … Read more