Ch. Theocharis to RGC: If we escape financially once more, there can be no new Memoranda – We are going to depart Europe – 2024-06-05 05:43:24

The Deputy Minister of Financial system and Finance, Haris Theocharis, addressed the twelfth Convention of Regional Improvement, which is being held in Patras, clear warnings concerning the dangers concerned in a doable future new fiscal derailment. “We will preserve management over the funds, we won’t comply with the craziness of SYRIZA or anybody else, who … Read more

The legislation of “Pillar II” is a political victory over international tax evasion – 2024-04-04 20:42:08

The Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance, Haris Theocharis, spoke in the Parliament about the legislation of “Pillar II”, which provides for a minimum rate of taxation of 15% for large companies and harmonizes Greece with international practice. As he emphasized, “today we should all be happy. We should all be celebrating. Because the … Read more