The last thing Salvador Zerboni took from The House of Celebrities 2 | TELEMUNDO | SHOWS

“the house of celebrities 2″ concluded last week and the finalists of the reality show organized by Telemundo have already returned to their homes in real life to resume their daily lives. Some as Salvador Zerboni -who came in second place behind the winner Ivonne Montero-, have chosen to show their public on social networks … Read more

Laura Bozzo: the important request she made to her daughter in The House of Celebrities 2 | Telemundo Program | nnda-nnlt | SHOWS

“the house of celebrities 2″ is about to enter the final phase and the nerves of the participants who are still in competition are on edge. That is the case of Laura Bozzo, the Peruvian host who is fighting for a place in the final and who still does not know if she will reach … Read more

The house of the famous 2: the privileges that some contestants had according to Niurka Marcos | Telemundo program nnda nnlt | FAME

A couple of weeks ago, Niurka Marcos was chosen by the public as the contestant of “the house of celebrities 2″ that he had to leave. Since then, the mother of Emilio Osorio has lashed out at the handling of the Telemundo show and the behavior of some of the celebrities inside. Within the reality … Read more

Who will be the winner of The House of Celebrities 2 according to Gossip No Like | Telemundo program nnda nnlt | SHOWS

The second season of “The house of the famous” It’s on fire and all the contestants put together their strategies to stay one more week in the reality show and thus be able to win the top prize of 200 thousand dollars. MORE INFORMATION: Toni Costa revealed in “The House of Celebrities” one of the … Read more