“Environmentalist mania, they complicate the lives of residents” –

Gabriel Imperiale 29 maggio 2024 Susanna Ceccardi denies pretend information and assaults Europe. The MEP and candidate for the subsequent European elections of La Lega, visitor of Tiziana Panella and her Tagadà on La 7, was known as by the presenter to reply for the Tappino case, which broke out in the previous couple of … Read more

“Distractions when there is a risk of a third world war” –

The political debate is focused on the relationship between Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini. But Massimiliano Romeo, leader of the League group in the Senate, sends out an important alarm signal of what politics should be dealing with, instead of thinking about the link between the Prime Minister and the Minister of Transport: “If Salvini … Read more