Telegram now has Stories, but with a catch…
2023-07-21 16:43:15 O Telegram is launching Stories, a feature much requested by users, according to Pavel Durov, CEO of the company. However, the novelty is
2023-07-21 16:43:15 O Telegram is launching Stories, a feature much requested by users, according to Pavel Durov, CEO of the company. However, the novelty is
2023-07-19 22:10:00 Every time it’s like that. When everyone talks regarding a little golden retirement for one of the oldest politicians in our country, each
2023-07-08 06:34:17 As a paramedic, Kristi Hadfield has the task of saving every life and on one of her days she had to help John
2023-06-27 07:06:39 Watan: The CEO of the instant messaging service Telegram, Pavel Durov, announced the addition of the Stories feature to the application, and it
2023-05-24 07:05:00 Georgia O’Keeffe’s stay in Abiquiú i © Aude Adrien for Alfred Stieglitz, Georgia O’Keeffe1918 i Gelatin silver print • 23.5 × 15.4
2023-05-14 21:37:11 The story of Miguel Ángel, the Millonarios fan who fulfilled his dream before dying by euthanasia The youtuber who purposely crashed a plane
2023-05-05 00:03:55 Bailey McBreen, a nurse from Floridahas surprised on social networks when telling his story, as he revealed that he never imagined that his
2023-05-02 03:20:31 The political influencer Lalis Smile you mightn’t miss the May 1 demonstration who gathered thousands of people near Petro’s balcony, to listen to
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