“National Special Investigation and Rectification of Major Accident Hazards in 2023: Updates and Analysis by Securities Times”

2023-05-10 03:24:00 Securities Times News, according to China.com, the Ministry of Emergency Management held a press conference at 10 am on May 10 to introduce the implementation of the national special investigation and rectification of major accident hazards in 2023. Wang Chongxian, director of the Safety Coordination Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management, said … Read more

Huaxi Securities: The price of gold is still resilient, and it is recommended to pay attention to gold investment opportunities

2023-05-04 02:24:00 Securities Times News, Huaxi Securities pointed out that in the short and medium term, concerns about the U.S. banking crisis have resurfaced, and signs of an economic slowdown have become increasingly clear. Higher interest rates will further increase the risk of recession, and the current interest rate hike may have come to an … Read more

“Hong Kong District Council’s Qualification Review System: SAR Government’s Proposal for Improved Regional Governance”

2023-05-03 06:21:00 Securities Times News, CCTV news, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Li Jiachao officially announced on May 2 to improve the regional governance proposals, the Hong Kong District Council will introduce a qualification review system. Li Jiachao said that the SAR government should fundamentally improve the regional governance structure, improve regional governance … Read more

The heat in the property market subsided, and the sales of the top 100 real estate companies in April fell month-on-month

2023-05-01 09:11:00 (Original title: Sales of top 100 real estate companies in April fell month-on-month) Securities Times e-company news, after the concentrated release of backlog demand, the property market ebbed, and the upward sales momentum of the top 100 real estate companies has a tendency to slow down. According to the April sales data released … Read more

“Record-breaking Single-day Passenger Traffic on Yangtze River Delta Railway During May 1st Holiday”

2023-04-30 14:22:00 Securities Times News, according to The Paper, the reporter learned from China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. that on April 30, the Yangtze River Delta Railway safely sent 3.655 million passengers, setting a record high in single-day passenger traffic, an increase of 27.7% over the same period in 2019. %, surpassing the … Read more

Yang Jie of China Mobile: Mobile Cloud’s revenue last year increased by 25 times compared with three years ago

2023-04-25 03:36:37 (Original title: China Mobile Yang Jie: Mobile Cloud’s revenue last year increased by 25 times compared with three years ago, and the cumulative investment in the past three years was 90 billion) Securities Times e company news, on April 25, Yang Jie, chairman of China Mobile, said at the opening ceremony of the … Read more

“Starship Test Launch Ends in Explosion and Severe Damage to Launch Pad – Impact on NASA Lunar Missions and Rocket Development Progress”

2023-04-24 09:19:00 Securities Times Net News, CCTV news, the US Space Exploration Technology Corporation’s new generation of heavy-duty launch vehicle “Starship” and the spacecraft integration system test-fired on the 20th local time, but the rocket exploded shortly after liftoff. According to a report by Agence France-Presse on the 24th, the launch caused serious damage to … Read more

“Comprehensive Management of Dental Implant Prices: Impact on the Dental Industry and Ways to Cope”

2023-04-21 13:02:21 (Original title: Medical insurance departments in many places carry out comprehensive management of dental implant prices: the price is halved, and the penetration rate of domestic brands is expected to increase) Securities Times e company news, recently, medical insurance departments in many places have successively issued announcements saying that starting from April 20, … Read more