After Corona, a new virus is spreading in China, and the first infection is recorded for a child! • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper – agencies: BNO News revealed a virus no less dangerous than the Corona virus, as it quoted the Chinese National Health Care Committee that the first infection with bird flu of the H3N8 strain was detected in humans in China. The agency pointed out that the infection was recorded in a 4-year-old boy … Read more

A mysterious liver disease spreads in 12 countries… and the global health reveals the details • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The World Health Organization announced that one death was recorded as a result of an outbreak of a mysterious liver disease affecting children in Europe and the United States. The World Health Organization indicated that it had so far received reports of at least 169 cases of “acute hepatitis of unknown origin” in … Read more

An official in the “Narcotics Control” reveals the detection of a new type of drug that has begun to spread in the Kingdom..and explains its dangers • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Director of Studies and Information at the National Anti-Narcotics Committee, Dr. Suleiman Al-Luhaidan, revealed the monitoring of new chemically manufactured narcotic substances that began to appear around the world and spread in the Kingdom like Shab. Noting the seriousness of its effect on the mind even after recovery. Al-Luhaidan explained, during his … Read more

Warnings of a very dangerous disease that spreads faster than the Corona virus.. One infected person transmits it to 13!

More than 10,000 cases of the herpes zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, were recorded in Queensland last year, and similar levels were seen in 2020. The report added that the virus has a reproduction number (R-value) of 13, which means that an infected person can transmit the virus to up to 13 other people, depending … Read more

“Omicron” is spreading in Lebanon … the Minister of Health reveals the possibility of moving to close the country

Health Minister Firas Al-Abyad confirmed that “the decision to close the country is being carefully studied according to the available numbers and data, and the question is about the time period for this closure, especially since Lebanon’s situation is intolerable, but if the pace of spread accelerates, we are ready to take the decision.” Al-Abyad … Read more