Within the bench trainer for slapping a scholar, what does he help about beating – 2024-06-06 12:48:44

The trainer who was arrested in Aigio will stand trial on July 4. on Wednesday morning, after battery lawsuit filed by mom of 10-year-old scholar. The trainer, who’s dealing with the cost of inflicting bodily hurt to weak individuals, was taken to the competent prosecutor and after an everyday trial was set, he was launched … Read more

Student of the Standard High School, the “golden pen” of the teenage short story – 2024-04-28 18:03:44

Maternal student won first prize in this year’s 12th “Grigoris Pentzikis” Teenage Short Story and Poetry Literary Competition which was organized by the Scientific and Cultural Association “eκπ@ιδευτικός κύκλος” in collaboration with the Directorate of Secondary Education of Drama. The contest in question was addressed to the students of all the schools in our country, … Read more